EKU Program Review

Academic Program Review 2024-2029

Statement of Purpose

EKU Academic Program Review strengthens educational programs by continuously evaluating the quality and effectiveness of teaching and learning, research, and service by reviewing the adequacy of resources supporting the program.

Program Reviews

  • All academic programs are required to participate in Academic Program Review at least one in a five-year cycle. An academic program is defined as: a coherent course of study leading to a for-credit credential including a degree, diploma, certificate, or generally recognized credential (also referred to as educational programs).
  • 2024-2025 programs scheduled for review: ALL University Certificates and new programs not reviewed during the 2019-2024 cycle.
  • If a program is completing/has completed an external accreditation during its review year, it may use content from the accreditation report to complete the program review template. However, the accreditation report may not be submitted in lieu of the program review template.

Self-Study Prompts, Student Success Metrics, Branched Pathways

Self-Study Prompts
The prompts include page-limited responses to EKU’s mission/strategic plan, student learning, student success metrics, and strategic growth plan. General Education contributions, professional/specialized accreditation, program modalities, and other unique aspects of a program should be integrated within or across the prompts.

Student Success Metrics
The process will use student success metrics to dynamically provide scores for five metrics and criteria listed below. The student success dashboard will be updated each Spring based on previous Fall official data and will include first – fifth majors. The indicator will derive from the previous three years of Fall enrollment data.

Self-Study Branched Pathways
There will be three branched pathways, or three levels, of program review based on the student success metrics:

  • Expedited (Score of 4 or 5)
  • Score of 5: One page report on efforts to sustain the current level of excellence
  • Score of 4: One – two page report addressing Mission and Strategic Growth Plan for the metric not met
  • Streamlined (Score of 2 or 3)
  • Score of 2 or 3: At least one page addressing each of the Self-Study Prompts (no more than six pages total)
  • Full (Score of 0 or 1)
  • Includes a pre-meeting to determine the focus of the report.
  • There is no page limit for the report, and all Self-Study Prompts must be addressed and an improvement plan for each Student Success metric.


After a program review self-study template is complete, the report will be reviewed by the following groups:

  • Department Chair
  • College Committee
  • College Dean
  • Faculty Senate Academic Quality Committee for programs recommended to “Continue with conditions and monitoring” or “Close within one to three years.”
  • University Academic Program Review Committee, consisting of the Provost (ex-officio, non-voting), Associate Provost for Academic Affairs, VP SSEO, Executive Director IE&R, Faculty Senate Designee (24-25: Mike Austin), Chair’s Council Designee (24-25: Stephanie Saulnier)
  • Provost


  • Fall 2024: Colleges create evaluation committees
  • August-September 2024: Deans, Associate Deans, Chairs, & Program Coordinators review Program Review Schedule, Process, and Materials.
  • October 10, 2024: Notification to the Associate Provost of voluntary program closure. Programs choosing to voluntarily close are not required to complete Program Review or STAR reports.
  • November 1, 2024: Department Chair uploads Expedited and Streamlined Reports with Department Chair recommendations
  • December 13, 2024: College Dean uploads Dean recommendations.
  • January 2025: University Academic Program Review Committee reviews Expedited and Streamlined Reports. Provost provides final recommendations.
  • Feb 7, 2025: Department Chair uploads Full reports with Department Chair recommendations.
  • March 7, 2025: College Committee uploads Full reports recommendations.
  • March 28, 2025: College Dean uploads Dean recommendations.
  • April 25, 2025: Faculty Senate Academic Quality Committee uploads recommendations on Full reports for programs recommended to “Close within 1-3 years” and “Continue with conditions and monitoring.”
  • May & June 2025: University Academic Program Review Committee reviews Full reports and all recommendations.
  • July 2025: Provost provides final recommendations.

Evaluation & Recommendations

For all programs undergoing review, the evaluations conducted and recommendations provided will determine whether the academic program should:

  • Continue without modifications
  • Continue with modifications
  • Continue with conditions and monitoring: A recommendation that establishes conditions for continuance, such as target enrollments.
  • Close within one to three years

Programs continuing with modifications will be required to submit a mid-cycle review report demonstrating evidence of improvement.

Self-Study Report Templates

Program Review TLI Series

A TLI Series on Academic Program Review has been created to establish a community focused on program excellence, as well as increase communication, participation, and support during the program review process. The sessions are open to Department Chairs, Program Coordinators, and/or others associated with the programs under review during the current academic year. The sessions will be facilitated by Drs. Jennifer Wies and Bethany Miller.

QUESTIONS: Contact Bethany Miller or Jennifer Wies