EKU Trademark Licensing Overview
Eastern Kentucky University is proud to be the region’s premier provider of a great, affordable education. Throughout the university’s rich history, its logos, and other brand elements have come to symbolize the quality of EKU and the passion of students, alumni, and fans.
Unauthorized use of these trademarks can negatively impact the value and reputation of the university. That’s why EKU Communications and Brand Management, in partnership with the Collegiate Licensing Company, has been tasked with protecting these trademarks and ensuring they’re up-to-date, compliant, and used only on high-quality goods produced by approved vendors.
Who needs to know this?
Any university employee who wants to purchase EKU-themed items, and any third-party who wants to produce and sell them. Before you start your transaction, check the information below. You’ll find authorized makers of EKU gear, learn how to become a licensed vendor, and more.
License Types
Internal: A business holding an Internal license can produce products bearing the trademarks of the institution for university departments and related entities for internal consumption only. This license cannot be used to provide products at retailers directly to consumers.
Retail: A business holding a retail license can produce products bearing the trademarks of the institution for sale at retail in approved channels. This can be done directly to consumers, university departments and related entities.
Crafters: This license may produce 500 units or less during a contract year with sales not exceeding $2,500. Licensees that will exceed these limits should apply for a Retail License. Distribution is limited to direct-to-consumer sales.
Approved Vendor List
Eastern Kentucky University has established contracts for the purchase of promotional products and maintains contracts with several signage and graphics contractors for use by campus departments. Departments are still required to go through EKU Printing for the production of any printed promotional items.
All orders involving institutional marks, branding and design must have approval by the Office of Communication and Brand Management. Once a vendor is selected, the product is determined and artwork proof is available, please submit the CBM Approval Form.