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Eastern Kentucky University

Parking and Transportation


All employee and student vehicles occupying University parking facilities, other than those in metered spaces, must have a valid and appropriate University parking permit. Each employee or student may apply for one permit only.

To be eligible to acquire  a parking permit, an employee or student must:

  • Possess a valid operator’s license for the type of vehicle to be registered.
  • Only register vehicles owned by the individual or a member of their immediate family. The Director of Parking and Transportation Services may waive this requirement when the owner of a vehicle has some other definable relationship to the student.
  • Obtain Permission for a valid license plate on the vehicle to be registered.

Students may not use employee permits. Employees that wish to have their vehicle registered as a student vehicle for use by a member of their family must have special permission from the Director of Parking and Transportation.

Parking and Transportation Services

521 Lancaster Avenue
Commonwealth Hall, Room 212
Richmond, KY 40475
Phone: 859-622-PARK (7275)


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