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By the action of the Board of Regents of April 22, 1978, and as amended on August 1, 2003, and pursuant to the authority invested in it by chapter 164.975 of the Kentucky Revised Statutes, the following regulations were adopted to regulate and control motor vehicle traffic and parking facilities on the Eastern Kentucky University campus.
The regulations listed within are established to ensure the proper maintenance, control and maximum equitable utilization of all University parking facilities by valid parking permit holders.
Any alleged violations of parking regulations may result in referral for disciplinary action through the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities.
General Regulations
Eastern Kentucky University provides parking as follows with parking permits that are color-coded to match sign(s) at parking lot entrances or on the roadways within the confines of the campus.
Parking on the grass, landscape areas, or on any other areas where parking would mar the landscape of the campus, create a safety hazard, or interfere with the use of University facilities is prohibited at all times. Reserved spaces are enforced 24/7.
Parking areas are clearly outlined, and occupants must observe the confines of each space. Only one vehicle is permitted in each space except for motorcycles.
The responsibility for finding a legal parking space rests with the vehicle operator. Lack of space is not considered a valid excuse for violation of these regulations. A permit does not guarantee parking in any specific lot or area.
Written notes placed on vehicles will not be accepted as a parking permit. In the event your vehicle has become disabled, you must call the EKU Parking & Transportation office immediately, giving location, make, model and license plate number of the disabled vehicle.
A temporary permit must then be obtained for the vehicle from the EKU Parking and Transportation Office, with a time limit of four (4) hours during the normal workday. Temporary permits are not available for vehicles that are disabled in the roadway, vehicles blocking traffic or vehicles creating a safety hazard. These vehicles must be moved within 15 minutes. Handwritten or typed notes of any type will not be honored as valid University parking permits.
Eastern Kentucky University reserves the right to restrict parking for special purposes or events.
Colors are used on curbs and lot surfaces as described below:
Parking of motor homes, recreational vehicles, trailers, boats or commercial vehicles for purpose of temporary living or storage is prohibited on campus.
Because of the need to provide required maintenance and repair to the parking facilities, the parking of vehicles for over 24 hours is prohibited during semester breaks without special permission from the Director for Parking and Transportation. Zone Z parking and all-year halls are exempt from this requirement.
Special Regulations
It shall be the option of Eastern Kentucky University to remove from campus or impound, at the owner’s expense, any vehicle for any of the following:
Vehicles that are impounded on campus may be kept on campus for a maximum of two weeks. If a vehicle is not claimed or if written arrangements are not made with the Director of Parking and Transportation, the vehicle will be removed from campus and storage fees may be charged by the company storing the vehicle.
All tickets are payable online for 7 days. After 7 days, they must be paid at Student Accounting Services, SSB room 210.
Abandoned Vehicles and Safety Hazards
KRS 189.751 Abandonment of vehicle on county road or city street — Penalty — Removal — Disposition.
(1) Any person who leaves a vehicle upon a county road or city street under circumstances indicating an abandonment, shall be fined not less than twenty-five dollars ($25) nor more than one hundred dollars ($100), or imprisoned for not less than ten (10) days nor more than thirty (30) days. A vehicle left upon a county road or city street for three (3) consecutive days shall be presumed to be abandoned.
(2) The public authority having jurisdiction over a particular county road or city street shall cause a vehicle that is presumed to be abandoned under subsection (1) of this section and that is fit for future use to be removed by some person engaged in the business of storing or towing motor vehicles and the provisions of KRS 376.275 shall apply in disposing of the vehicle. Any money obtained in disposing of a vehicle that is in excess of any liens shall be paid by the seller to the owner and if the owner cannot be located, the excess money shall escheat to the state pursuant to the provisions of KRS Chapter 393. A vehicle shall be registered or transferred in the county where the sale is conducted upon an affidavit by the seller that the provisions of KRS 376.275 have been met. The affidavit shall contain information as prescribed by the transportation cabinet.
(3) If a vehicle that is presumed abandoned under subsection (1) of this section is, in the opinion of the public authority, unfit for future use, the public authority may dispose of it immediately in a manner as it deems appropriate.
Effective: July 15, 1998
History: Amended 1998 Ky. Acts ch. 179, sec. 1, effective July 15, 1998. — Amended 1974 Ky. Acts ch. 74, Art. IV, sec. 20(9). — Amended 1972 Ky. Acts ch. 299, sec. 3.
— Created 1966 Ky. Acts ch. 105, secs. 1 to 3.
Citations & Penalties
All tickets can be paid on your parking portal for the first 7 days. After 7 days they will be transferred to the Student Accounting office, located in Whitlock room 210.
University employees and students with outstanding parking fines may not be eligible to register or receive subsequent parking permits until the delinquent fines are paid.
University employees and students who receive five or more citations in an academic year may be subject to University sanctions. Visitors or guests are expected to conform to University parking regulations to avoid citations and the possibility of being towed.
The following monetary penalties are levied for the specific violations listed below:
*Tow or Boot charge is additional if incurred.
Any person charged with a violation of Eastern Kentucky University parking regulations must either register an appeal within 7 calendar days of the date of the violation or pay the penalty. These 7 days begin on the date of the violation. Verbal appeals must be scheduled with the Parking Office within 7 days of the issuance of the first appeal decision.
The Parking Appeals Committee adjudicates all parking appeals. The Parking Appeals Committee is composed of members of the Student Court, a branch of the Student Government Association and University employees. The employee members of the Parking Appeals Committee are appointed each year by the University President.
Employees of Parking and Transportation Services serve as ex officio members of the Parking Appeals Committee and do not have a vote in the decision. Citations may be appealed online.