Meeting Information
Faculty Senate meetings are open to the public.
Faculty Senators & Alternates for 2024-2025
Austin, Mike | History, Philosophy & Religious Studies | 2027 |
Binion, Stefanie | Social Work | 2027 |
Bosley, Lisa | English | 2027 |
Brooks, Abby | School of Communication | 2025 |
Buck, Alison | Lang. & Cultural Studies, Anthr. & Sociology | 2025 |
Campbell, Kristen | Psychology | 2027 |
Cogdill, Chad | School of Communication | 2026 |
Day, Lisa | English | 2027 |
Hartch, Todd | History, Philosophy & Religious Studies | 2026 |
Hensley, Julie | English | 2025 |
Howell, Matthew | Government | 2026 |
Liddell, Erik | Lang. & Cultural Studies, Anthr. & Sociology | 2027 |
Palmer, Jerry | Psychology | 2026 |
Scarambone, Bernardo | Music | 2027 |
Slijepcevic, Nedim | School of Art & Design | 2025 |
Smith, Young | English | (2026)* |
Sutherland, Adria | Music | 2027 |
(*) Julie Hensley replaces C. Neumann [term ends 2023] but begins a new 3-year term [ends 2025]
(*) Young Smith will replace E. Massey (left EKU) for remainder of term [term ends 2026]
Nachtwey, Gerald | English |
Weise, Rob | History, Philosophy, & Religious Studies |
Hofelich, Emily | School of Communication |
Putnam, Andrew | Music |
Cizmar, Anne | Government |
Swain, Randall | Government |
Stevenson, Erin | Social Work |
Zaragoza, Socorro | Lang. & Cultural Studies, Anthr. & Sociology |
Chen, Michael | Psychology |
Turner, Joshua | Psychology |
TBD | School of Art & Design |
Bishop-Ross, Rachel | Mathematics & Statistics | (2026)* |
Calie, Pat | Biological Sciences | 2025 |
Chandra, Vigs * | Computer Science & Information Technology | 2025 |
Dieckmann, Melissa | Physics, Geosciences & Astronomy | 2026 |
Fry, Jason | Physics, Geosciences & Astronomy | 2025 |
Pierce, Marcia | Biological Sciences | (2026)* |
Rowe, Laura | Chemistry | 2025 |
Settimi, John | Agriculture | 2027 |
Sgro, Sergio | Engineering & Technology | 2027 |
Szabo, Steve | Mathematics & Statistics | 2026 |
Zyzak, LiLi | Chemistry | (2025)* |
(*) Vigs Chandra will replace L. Kong but will begin a new 3-year term [term ends 2025]
(*) Marcia Pierce will replace L. Dodd (Spr 2024 or until further notice) [term ends 2026]
(*) Rachel Bishop-Ross will replace L. Kay [who is serving as Senate Chair] [term ends 2026]
(*) LiLi Zyzak will replace K. Abdelhay for the remainder of term [term ends 2025]
Matheyambath, Ajila | Chemistry |
Wigginton, Andrew | Biological Sciences |
Kraemer, Brad | Biological Sciences |
Blose, Anthony | Physics, Geosciences & Astronomy |
Borowski, Walter | Physics, Geosciences & Astronomy |
Huffman, Tyler | Physics, Geosciences & Astronomy |
Jones, Alice | Physics, Geosciences & Astronomy |
Watson, Kelly | Physics, Geosciences & Astronomy |
White, John | Physics, Geosciences & Astronomy |
Liu, Mary | Mathematics & Statistics |
TBD | Computer Science & Information Technology |
Jones, Barbara | Agriculture |
TBD | Applied Engineering & Technology |
Easterling, James Kirby | Management, Marketing & International Business | 2025 |
Graham, Julia | Accounting, Finance & Information Systems | 2027 |
Hasan, Fatima | Management, Marketing & International Business | 2026 |
Houston, Bob | Management, Marketing & International Business | 2027 |
* Bob Houston replaces J. Blair [term ends 2027]
Eser, Zekeriya | Accounting, Finance & Information Systems |
TBD | Management, Marketing, & International Business |
Bane, Maria | Clinical Therapeutic Programs | 2026 |
Gravil, Meg | Applied Human Sciences | 2027 |
Jansky, Timothy | Teaching, Learning & Ed. Leadership | 2027 |
Lauk, Raymond | Teaching, Learning & Ed. Leadership | 2026 |
Stevens, Tara | American Sign Language & Interpreter Education | (2025)* |
* Tara Stevens replaces K. Moore (left EKU) [term ends 2025]
Dial, Angela | Applied Human Sciences |
Engebretson, Ken | Clinical Therapeutic Programs |
Miller, Jason | Teaching, Learning & Ed. Leadership |
Roush, Daniel | American Sign Language & Interpreter Education |
Dacci, Anne (Calloway) | Model | 2027 |
Emanuel, Mary Tom | Model | 2026 |
Hammond, Mary Beth | Model | 2027 |
Kipp, Anne | Model | (2026)* |
Turner, Ellie | Model | 2027 |
* Anne Kipp will replace P. Edwards (left EKU) for remainder of term. [term ends 2026] (Note: Jaime Priode will fill in for A. Kipp for SPR 25 only.)
Alix Castillo | Model |
Jessica Holmes | Model |
Jaime Priode | Model |
DeLage, Annette (Monk) | Parks, Recreation, Exercise & Sport Science (PRESS) | (2026)* |
Ginn, Cassandra | Occupational Therapy | 2026 |
Humphrey, Casey | Occupational Therapy | 2027 |
Hunter, Linda | School of Nursing | 2027 |
MacDonald, Aaron | Environmental & Public Health, Administration, & Medical Sciences | 2027 |
Merrick, Jennifer | School of Nursing | 2026 |
Salmans, Raglena | Parks, Recreation, Exercise & Sport Science (PRESS) | 2027 |
Sands, Fontaine | School of Nursing | (2025)* |
Wyatt, Melissa | Environmental & Public Health, Administration, & Medical Sciences | 2027 |
(*) Fontaine Sands will replace D. Coffey (left EKU) for remainder of term [term ends 2025]
(*) Annette (Monk) DeLage will replace C. Perry for remainder of term [term ends 2026]
Sabin, Matt | Parks, Recreation, Exercise & Sport Science (PRESS) |
Davis, Ashlee | Environmental & Public Health, Administration, & Medical Sciences |
Moberly, Brittani | Environmental & Public Health, Administration, & Medical Sciences |
Duckart, Julie | Occupational Therapy |
Killian, Beth | School of Nursing |
Brent, John | School of Justice Studies | 2027 |
Foltz, Kenneth | School of Aviation | 2027 |
Fifer, David | Emergency Management Care | 2025 |
Kraska, Peter | School of Justice Studies | (2026) * |
Plutt, Jim | Military Science | 2027 * |
Stumbo, David | Safety & Security | (2025)* |
(*) Peter Kraska replaces B. McClanahan [left EKU – term ends 2024] but will begin a new 3-year term in order to stagger terms [term ends 2026]
(*) David Stumbo replaces J. McGlown [stepped down] for remainder of term – [term ends 2025]
(*) Jim Plutt will be available through Summer 2026 [term ends 2027]
Glass, Houston | Aviation |
Rawlins, Troy | Safety & Security |
Copenhaver, Allen | School of Justice Studies |
TBD | Military Science |
Edwards, Laura | Library | 2025 |
Sizemore, Linda | Library | (2026)* |
(*) Linda Sizemore will replace S. Fisher for the remainder of term [term ends 2026].
Arneson, Jens | Library |
Davidson, Kayla | Library |
Cannon, Mercy | Dean Faculty Senate Representative (CLASS) (2-year appointment) NOTE: Dean Rep automatically serves on the Budget Committee | 2025 |
McGuffin, Sheri | Part-Time Faculty Senate Representative (STEM) (2-year appointment) | 2026 |
Fisher, Bianca (1st Alternate 2024-2026) | Psychology |
McFaddin, David | President of the University |
Zeigler, Sara | Provost |
Marion, Jason | Faculty Regent [term ends 2025] (CHS – Environmental & Public Health, Administration, & Medical Sciences) |
Kay, Lisa | Senate Chair (STEM – Mathematics & Statistics) |
Brent, John | Senate Vice-Chair (School of Justice Studies) |
King, Pauletta | Secretary |
Tudor, Heather | Parliamentarian (CHS – Environmental & Public Health, Administration, & Medical Sciences) |
SEE: Elected Faculty Alternates (Individuals officially elected by areas who can attend Senate meetings for elected representatives when they are unable to attend. Alternates may speak to issues and do have voting rights on action items.)
Current Committees
Stefanie Binion | | Social Work |
John Brent | | (FS Vice Chair)* |
Alison Buck, Co-Chair | | Lang. & Cutural Studies, Anthr. & Sociology |
Kristen Campbell, Secretary | | Psychology |
Fatima Hasan | | Management, MKT, & International Business |
Fontaine Sands, Co-Chair | | School of Nursing |
NOTE: Faculty Senate Vice Chair automatically serves on the Academic Quality Committee
Alison Buck | | Lang. & Cultural Studies, Anthr. & Sociology |
Mercy Cannon | | Dean Representative |
Linda Hunter | | School of Nursing |
Matthew Howell, Secretary | | Government |
Lisa Kay | | (FS chair) |
Raymond Lauk, Chair | | Teaching, Learning & Ed. Leadership |
Brian Mullins | | Financial Affairs (VP) (ex-officio) |
Jerry Palmer | | Psychology |
Sara Zeigler | | Provost |
NOTE: The Dean’s Representative automatically serves on the Budget Committee
Abby Brooks | | School of Communication |
James Kirby Easterling | | MGT, MKT, & International Business |
Aaron MacDonald, Co-Chair | | Environ. & Public Health, Admin., & Medical Sciences |
Linda Sizemore, Co-Chair | | Library |
Melissa Wyatt | | Environ. & Public Health, Admin., & Medical Sciences |
NOTE: Committee on Committees and Elections Committee merged effective Fall 2012
Maria Bane | | Clinical Therapeutic Programs |
Rachel Bishop-Ross | | Mathematics & Statistics |
John Brent | | (FS Vice Chair) |
Casey Humphrey | | Occupational Therapy |
Lisa Kay, Chair | | (FS Chair) |
Raymond Lauk | | Teaching, Learning & Ed. Leadership |
Jason Marion | | Faculty Regent (ex-officio) |
Sheri McGuffin | | Part-Time Rep. (Instruct-Science, Tech, Eng & Math) |
John Settimi | | Agriculture |
Sara Zeigler | | Provost (ex-officio) |
Mike Austin | | History, Philosophy, & Religious Studies |
Jason Fry | | Physics, Geosciences & Astronomy |
Cassandra Ginn, Co-Chair | | Occupational Therapy |
Nancy McKenney | | AAUP Representative (ex-officio) (*) |
Jennifer Merrick | | School of Nursing |
Nedim Slijepcevic, Co-Chair | | School of Arts & Design |
*An AAUP member will serve as an ex officio on the R&R Committee [approved by faculty-at-large 08-17-15]
Maria Bane | | Clinical Therapeutic Programs |
John Dixon | | Exec. Dir., Human Resources & Institutional Equity (ex-officio) |
Julie Hensley, Co-Chair | | English |
Timothy Jansky, Co-Chair | | Teaching, Learning & Ed. Leadership |
Jennifer Merrick | | School of Nursing |
Annette Monk DeLage | | Parks, Recreation, Exercise & Sport Science (PRESS) |
NOTE: The Chair (or appointed representative) of the Welfare Committee also serves on the University Benefits Advisory Committee. Contact Human Resources Director in early summer to find out when the University Benefits Advisory Committee meets.
NOTE: The Director of Human Resources serves as a non-voting member
James Kirby Easterling | | Management, MKT, & International Business |
Laura Edwards | | Library |
Jason Fry, Chair | | Physics, Geosciences & Astronomy |
Cassandra Ginn | | Occupational Therapy |
Nedim Slijepcevic | | School of Art & Design |
NOTE: Information Technology became a new standing committee in Fall 2012
NOTE: IT Chair also serves on the University Teaching & Learning Technology Committee (formerly: Academic Technology Advisory Committee [ATAC])
Rachel Bishop-Ross | | Mathematics & Statistics |
Kristen Campbell | | Psychology |
Melissa Dieckmann, Secretary | | Physics, Geosciences & Astronomy |
Laura Rowe, Chair | | Chemistry |
Sergio Sgro | | Engineering & Technology |
The COSFL representative and alternates are elected annually.
Laura Rowe Representative | | Chemistry |
Chad Cogdill Alternate | | School of Communication |
Aaron MacDonald Alternate | | Environ. & Public Health, Admin., & Medical Sciences |
At the organizational meeting in May, replacements are also elected for vacancies on the Faculty Club Board of Governors. Membership on the Board is not limited to Senate membership. (While this is not a Faculty Senate Committee, the Senate oversees the elections for the Board.)
David McFaddin | | (ex officio) |
Todd Hartch | | 2026 |
Vonia Grabeel | | 2026 |
Timothy Jansky | | 2027 |
Raymond Lauk | | 2025 |
Brittani Moberly | | 2025 |
Linda Sizemore | | 2027 |
These are annual appointments. Appointments will be selected at the August Executive Committee meeting.
General Education Committee
John Brent (2024-2025) | | (Vice Chair) |
Residency Appeal Committee
Rachel Bishop-Ross (2024-2025) | | Mathematics & Statistics |
Faculty Senate Rules
Parliamentary Procedure in the Senate
The parliamentary authority for the Eastern Kentucky University Faculty Senate is the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised (RONR), which applies in all cases where it does not conflict with the Senate bylaws or special rules of order. Senate members should familiarize themselves with the bylaws and special rules of order. For the finer points of parliamentary law, Senate members may consult RONR or the Senate Parliamentarian.
Rights of Members
Members of an assembly have the following rights: to attend meetings; to make motions and nominate; to debate; to vote; to hold office, if qualified; to have the agenda followed; and to have the rules enforced. Any motion that abridges or denies any of these rights requires a two-thirds vote.
Order of Business
By custom the Faculty Senate follows the following order of business:
- Approval of Minutes
- Report of the President
- Report of the Executive committee
- Report of the Faculty Regent
- Report of the COSFL Representative
- Report of the Student Senate President
- Reports of Standing Committees
- Reports of Special, or Ad Hoc, Committees
- Special Orders (Special orders are items of business that according to the bylaws must be taken up at a specified meeting or items that were postponed from the previous meeting and made a special order-i.e., given priority in the order of business-by a two-thirds vote.)
- Unfinished Business and General Orders (Unfinished business is business that was on the agenda for the previous meeting but was not reached before adjournment. General orders are items postponed from the previous meeting by a majority vote.)
- New Business
- Adjournment
Except by consent of the assembly, members may debate only when a motion is pending, and debate must always be germane to the pending question.
A member may speak only twice to the same motion. If, however, the motions goes over to another day–if, for example, it is postponed to the next meeting–the member may speak twice again. A member who has spoken to a particular motion may not speak again until everyone who wishes to speak the first time has done so.
A member who wishes to speak waits until the previous speaker has concluded, then rises, addresses the chair, and waits to be recognized. Members are recognized in the order in which they seek recognition except that, insofar as practicable, the chair alternates between members who wish to speak for and against a measure.
All remarks in debate are addressed to the chair, never to another member. No speaker may attack the motives or the character of another member. Past actions of the assembly may not be criticized except in debate on a motion to amend or rescind the past action.
Kinds of Motions
Main Motions: Main motions may be made only when nothing is pending. Main motions require a second, are debatable, and require a majority vote.
Ranking Motions: Certain motions have rank; that is, a motion with lower rank cannot be made while a motion of higher rank is pending. The ranking motions, from lowest to highest, are listed below with an S if they require a second, with D or U to indicate whether they are debatable or undebatable, and with an M or 2/3 to indicate the vote required.
- Postpone Indefinitely (S,D,M)
- Amend (S,D,M)
- Refer to a Committee (S,D,M)
- Postpone to a Definite Time (S,D,M)
- Limit or Extend the Limits of Debate (S,U,2/3)
- Previous Question (Close Debate) (S,U,2/3)
- Lay on the Table (S,U,M)
- Call for the Order of the Day (ruled on by the chair)
- Question of Privilege (ruled on by the chair)
- Recess (S,U,M)
- Adjourn (S,U,M)
- Fix the Time to which to Adjourn
Important exceptions: (a) motions to amend may be made while any motion is pending that has a legitimate variable and (b) certain motions with high rank (raise a question of privilege, recess, and fix the time to which to adjourn) are privileged only if they are made while business is pending. A motion to recess, for example, if made when nothing is pending, is a main motion and is therefore debatable.
Incidental Motions
Certain motions arise incidentally as other motions are being considered. These motions, by and large, are disposed of as they arise. Like the ranking motions, incidental motions may be amended if they have a legitimate variable. Some of the most commonly used incidental motions are as follows:
- Point of Order (ruled on by the chair, subject to appeal)
- Appeal (S,M, debatable unless (a) a nondebatable motion is pending or (b) it has to do with decorum in debate)
- Point of Information (answered, or referred to a knowledgeable member, by the chair)
- Parliamentary Inquiry (answered by the chair, not subject to appeal)
- Suspend the Rules (S,U,2/3)
- Objection to the Consideration of the Question (MUST be made before debate begins on the motion in question, S,U,2/3)
- Withdraw a Motion (S,U,M, but often handled by general consent)
- Request (S,U,M, except that a request to be excused from a duty is debatable)
- Division of a Question (S,U,M)
- Consider by Paragraph or Seriatim (S,U,M)
Bring Back, or Restorative Motions
Certain motions are used to bring back before the assembly motions previously disposed of: The voting requirements for these motions vary depending on the circumstances. Consult Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised.
- Take from the table (S,U,M)
- Rescind/Amend Something Previously Adopted (S,D, See RONR)
- Discharge a Committee (S,D, See RONR)
- Reconsider/Reconsider and Enter on the Minutes (S, D or U, depending on whether the motion it is proposed to reconsider is debatable; M)
Compliance with Open Meeting/Open Records Laws in the Senate
The Senate will operate in compliance with the Kentucky Revised Statutes, Open Meetings of Public Agencies, 61.800 to 61.850 and 61.991, and Open Records of Public Agencies, KRS 61.870 to 61.884, 61.991.
A record for all votes taken will be included in the minutes and will register the vote of each member, the total votes cast and the final action. Unanimous votes may be recorded by that notation.
(These Special Rules of Order are an expansion to section VIII. Special Rules of Order and Standing Rules in the Faculty Handbook – This revision was approved by FS_05-02-16)
- When recommendations from the Council on Academic Affairs are to be considered by the Faculty Senate, a summary sheet shall be prepared, but complete information shall be available in the office of the Vice-President for Academic Affairs.
- When recommendations from Committees of the Faculty-at-Large are to be considered by the Faculty Senate, those recommendations shall be written and submitted in full.
- Resource persons able to comment on matters introduced by the Council on Academic Affairs or by Committees of the Faculty-at-Large shall be invited to attend the Senate meetings at which those matters are to be considered.
- Items submitted for inclusion on the Senate agenda shall reach the Chair or a member of the Executive Committee of the Senate at least two weeks before a scheduled meeting of the Senate. A substantive matter not so submitted, but presented on the floor of the Senate, shall be placed on the agenda for action at the next Senate meeting.
- The minutes of each meeting, along with all agendas and materials presented to and acted upon by the Senate, shall be sent to the University Archives for permanent storage immediately following their approval at the next meeting of the Senate. The materials and other documents shall be available for public inspection in accordance with KRS 61.835.
- Senators who expect to be absent from a meeting of the Senate shall notify the Secretary of the Senate. The Secretary shall list in the minutes of each meeting the names of Senators absent from the meeting with an asterisk beside the names of those Senators who notified the Secretary of their absence beforehand.
- Nominations of members for Standing Committees of the Senate shall be made from the floor.
- The administrative member of the Senate elected to the Budget Committee shall not serve successive terms on that committee.
- When any committee of the Faculty Senate adopts formal procedural rules governing its conduct, the committee chair shall immediately notify the Rules Committee in writing, in order that the rule(s) may be examined for consistency with the Senate Rules and/or for being the possible basis for a generalized rule governing all Senate Committees.
- When the Senate deems it necessary to establish an ad hoc committee, the Chair shall appoint members to serve on the committee and shall designate one of the appointees to serve as the committee chair.
- The annual reports of all standing and ad hoc committees shall be published in the minutes of the Senate meeting at which they are submitted.
- The Chair of the Senate is an ex officio delegate to COSFL. Another delegate and two alternates shall be elected annually from among the elected members of the incoming Senate during its organizational meeting in May. Either alternate may serve at any COSFL meeting in the absence of a regular delegate.
(These Standing Rules are an expansion to section VIII. Special Rules of Order and Standing Rules in the Faculty Handbook – This revision was approved by FS_05-02-16)
- At the organizational meeting in May, the Chair of the Senate shall inform the members of the Senate of:
- The web location of an electronic copy of a compendium of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised, which governs the conduct of the meetings of the Faculty Senate.
- The web location of an electronic copy of a copy of the Organization of the Faculty and the Special Rules of Order and Standing Rules of the Faculty Senate.
- The web location of an electronic copy of a list of the current standing committees and ad hoc committees.
- The location of Faculty Senate files, indexes, and minutes.
- The web location of the Legislative Research Commission Kentucky Open Meetings and Open Records Laws Statutes and Q&A.
- The Secretary of the Senate shall prepare a seating chart of the Senate each fall, and members of the Senate shall be assigned permanent seats alphabetically.
- The hour of regular Senate meetings shall be 3:30 p.m. and meetings of the Senate shall adjourn by 5:30 p.m.
- By August 1 of each year, the regular schedule of all Senate meetings for the academic year will be posted on the Senate web site and will include dates and locations of all meetings.
- Committee meetings
- By September 1 in the fall semester and January 31 in the spring semester, each standing and ad hoc committee shall set a schedule of regular meetings for the semester. An ad hoc committee formed at other times during the year shall set a schedule of regular meetings at its first meeting. The dates, times, and locations of committee meetings shall be sent to the Secretary of the Senate and posted on the Senate web site. All meetings shall be held at places which are accessible to the public.
- Committee chairs/secretaries are encouraged to post notices of all regular meetings on EKU Today.
- Special (called) meetings of any standing or ad hoc committee may be called as provided below:
- The chair or a majority of the members of the committee may call a special meeting.
- The committee chair/secretary shall provide notice of the special meeting to the Senate Secretary for posting on the Senate website. The notice shall consist of the date, time, and place of the special meeting and the agenda. Discussions and action at the meeting shall be limited to items listed in the notice.
- As soon as possible, but no later than 24 hours prior to the special meeting, the Secretary of the Senate shall send the notice of special meeting to all media organizations that have on file with the university attorney a written request for notice of special meetings.
- As soon as possible, but no later than 24 hours prior to the special meeting, written notice of the meeting shall also be posted in a conspicuous place in the building where the special meeting will take place and in Keen Johnson.
- The minutes of each committee regular meeting and special meeting shall include an accurate record of votes and actions. The minutes will be approved at the next meeting of the committee and shall be submitted to the Secretary of the Senate immediately following that meeting.
(See Committee Checklist to make sure your committee is following current practice. Also see the Guide for Posting & Emailing Notice of Special Meetings)
The organization of the faculty-at-large and the Faculty Senate, as approved by the faculty-at-large in October 2022, are outlined here.