Faculty Center for Teaching & Learning

The Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning (FCT&L) supports faculty and staff in their efforts to create exceptional experiences for EKU students, by focusing on new and innovative teaching and learning strategies and collaborative sharing of knowledge.

FCT&L Services

The Faculty Center for Teaching & Learning offers many resources to Advance Teaching Excellence.

The Teaching and Learning Innovation (TLI) Series features presentations and workshops with practical takeaways, to assist faculty and academic staff in creating effective learning environments that promote student success.

Goals include:

  • Sharing knowledge and new ways of thinking about classroom and academic instruction,
  • Presenting innovative strategies to engage students in their own learning experience,
  • Providing ideas for small teaching changes that have a transformational impact, and
  • Fostering opportunities for dialogue between peers, focused on teaching, learning, and scholarship.

A Professional Learning Community (PLC) is a cross-disciplinary group of 8-12 faculty and academic staff who engage in a collaborative semester-long program to ask questions about innovations in teaching and learning, explore teaching innovations, and generate products of value to the campus community (e.g., surveys, policy papers, teaching tools, presentations, and manuscripts).

A PLC usually possesses several basic traits:

  • Cross-disciplinary (often combining faculty and professional staff)
  • 8-12 members (plus 1-2 facilitators)
  • Active, collaborative learning experience
  • Regular structured scholarly activities and discussions
  • Semester-length (though some run one year)
  • Often creates an end product (e.g., scholarship, conference, presentation, syllabus revision).

In the age of Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI), teaching and learning are undergoing a profound transformation. At the Faculty Center for Teaching & Learning, we’re here to empower educators to embrace generative AI, drive positive change, and be leaders in the evolving world of higher education.

The 30-Minute Tech Tools series is a dynamic and concise professional development program designed to empower educators with the latest and most efficient technological tools for teaching and learning. Each session, lasting just 30 minutes, is packed with practical tips and actionable strategies, focusing on a specific tool or feature to maximize its potential in the educational environment.

FCT&L Spaces

The Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning (FCT&L) spaces are located in Crabbe Library Room 318. Standard operating hours are Tuesday – Thursday, 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 pm, pending other FCT&L programming. The FCT&L cannot honor room reservation requests that are:

  • outside of the Crabbe Library’s operating hours, or
  • during times the University and/or Crabbe Library are closed for holidays, intersessions, inclement weather, etc.

Reservation Limitations:

  • Reservations may not be made further in advance than the current semester,
  • Spaces cannot serve as a primary classroom location,
  • Reservations are limited to EKU faculty and staff,
  • FCT&L staff are not available to assist with food deliveries, storage, set-up, or clean-up for non-FCT&L sponsored events & workshops.

The FCT&L classroom supports the mission of the FCT&L by providing a space for collaborative, faculty-led innovation in teaching & learning. As such, programs that further this objective (such as FCT&L programming and academic class sessions) will be given priority usage of the space. All other requests will be evaluated on an individual basis. The FCTL Classroom has a capacity of 45, with moveable tables and chairs, whiteboards, and video/audio equipment. Please email fctl@eku.edu for more information or to schedule a tour.

To request this space, please fill out this form at least TWO business days prior to your requested date. Usage will be dependent upon availability, purpose, and whether both align with the mission of the FCT&L.

The One Button Studio (OBS) is an all-in-one recording studio designed to be accessible and easy to use. In the OBS you can record high quality audio/video projects with the press of a button, without assistance. Please email fctl@eku.edu for more information or to schedule a tour.

To request this space, please fill out this form at least TWO business days prior to your requested date. Usage will be dependent upon availability, purpose, and whether both align with the mission of the FCT&L.

The FCT&L non-classroom space includes everything outside of the classroom, office, and huddle spaces. The space has seating for approximately 44 utilizing a variety of movable and fixed seats. The non-classroom space is not an open space that is conducive to large group presentations. Access to electricity is available, but limited. There is no access to audio/visual equipment. Please email fctl@eku.edu for more information or to schedule a tour.

To request this space, please fill out this form at least TWO business days prior to your requested date. Usage will be dependent upon availability, purpose, and whether both align with the mission of the FCT&L.

FCT&L Awards

The Office of the Provost offers annual faculty awards in three areas – teaching, leadership, and scholarship – through the Noel Faculty Awards Program. Award recipients are announced during Scholars Showcase, held each year in April.

Applications for all awards are due on February 5th.
In addition to individual applications, departments are encouraged to nominate candidates for awards.

Applications from pairs or teams will be accepted for any award, but the monetary value of the award will be split equally between all members of the group.

Submit applications here.

1 award of $1,000, made possible by the Noel Endowment Fund.

This award is presented to an EKU faculty member who is leading the way in teaching innovation. Teaching innovations may come from any aspect of instruction such as innovative methods, activities, new technologies, novel approaches, or the development of products used for teaching. The scope of the innovation may vary to include a unit of study, an assignment, or an activity.

Any current full-time or part-time faculty member is eligible to apply, with the following qualifications:

  • Senior administrators at the Associate Dean level and higher are not eligible.
  • Applicants may not receive the same award in two consecutive award cycles.
  • Applicants must have taught at least one course at EKU during the fall or spring of the current award cycle.

Application Process
All complete applications received by the deadline will be considered. Awards are selected by an appointed committee composed of previous award winners (when possible), faculty peers, and other university representatives with expertise in the award area.

Application Materials
Narrative: Each applicant/nominator should submit an 800-word (or less) narrative in support of the application. In the event that a narrative exceeds 800 words, only the first 800 words will be considered.

Applicants may also include the use of up to five examples in an appendix. These examples must illustrate points already made in the narrative rather than adding new details, and only the first five will be considered. Descriptions of the examples may be provided and should not exceed 25 words each (which are not counted toward the narrative’s word limit).

For this award, the narrative should answer the following questions:

  • Describe the teaching innovation(s) you have used. How does this innovation represent a new or novel approach to teaching & learning?
  • What impact did the teaching innovation have on your classroom and on student outcomes?
  • How have your approaches enhanced knowledge, innovation, and/or transformation at EKU?

Letters: Each submission is required to have a letter of support from a supervisor addressing the applicant’s efforts and success in the award area. In addition, no more than two (2) additional letters of support from others (e.g. students, colleagues, alumni) may be included.

1 award of $1,000, made possible by the Noel Endowment Fund.

This award is presented to an EKU faculty member who is transforming students’ lives through teaching. Transformative teaching may come from any aspect of instruction such as engaging educational methods, proposing big questions, incorporating problem solving, encouraging student learning by pursuing ideas of significance, supporting students in finding their purpose through educational experiences, inspiring students through employability skill development and application, and thinking/reading critically.

Any current full-time or part-time faculty member is eligible to apply, with the following qualifications:

  • Senior administrators at the Associate Dean level and higher are not eligible.
  • Applicants may not receive the same award in two consecutive award cycles.
  • Applicants must have taught at least one course at EKU during the fall or spring of the current award cycle.

Application Process
All complete applications received by the deadline will be considered. Awards are selected by an appointed committee composed of previous award winners (when possible), faculty peers, and other university representatives with expertise in the award area.

Application Materials
Narrative: Each applicant/nominator should submit an 800-word (or less) narrative in support of the application. In the event that a narrative exceeds 800 words, only the first 800 words will be considered.

Applicants may also include the use of up to five examples in an appendix. These examples must illustrate points already made in the narrative rather than adding new details, and only the first five will be considered. Descriptions of the examples may be provided and should not exceed 25 words each (which are not counted toward the narrative’s word limit).

For this award, the narrative should answer the following questions:

  • Describe the transformative teaching and learning experiences designed for your students. How do these experiences showcase the positive impact of teaching on students’, their academic development, and their lives?
  • What impact has transformative teaching had on your classroom and on our students?
  • How have your approaches enhanced knowledge and innovation at EKU?

Letters: Each submission is required to have a letter of support from a supervisor addressing the applicant’s efforts and success in the award area. In addition, no more than two (2) additional letters of support from others (e.g. students, colleagues, alumni) may be included.

1 award of $1,000, coordinated by the Noel Studio (Ron & Sherrie Lou Noel Endowment), the Office of Research and Economic Development, and the Graduate School.

The Dr. Jerry Pogatshnik Graduate Faculty Award recognizes excellence in graduate-level teaching, scholarship, and mentorship.

Faculty will demonstrate success across several areas, including:

  • Graduate-level teaching;
  • Leadership that promotes research and scholarly endeavors, especially at the graduate level;
  • Advancement of research, scholarly, and creative endeavors that enhance the graduate experience;
  • Mentorship of graduate students, including guided research, teaching, professional development;
  • Coaches students to apply graduate content at higher orders of critical thinking; and
  • Advancement/Coordination of EKU graduate programs/courses to include innovative new development or significant re-development and/or transitions to online deliveries.

Any current full-time or part-time faculty member is eligible to apply, with the following qualifications:

  • Senior administrators at the Associate Dean level and higher are not eligible.
  • Applicants may not receive the same award in two consecutive award cycles.
  • Applicants must have taught at least one course at EKU during the fall or spring of the current award cycle.

Application Process
All complete applications received by the deadline will be considered. Awards are selected by an appointed committee composed of previous award winners (when possible), faculty peers, and other university representatives with expertise in the award area.

Application Materials
Narrative: Each applicant/nominator should submit an 800-word (or less) narrative in support of the application. In the event that a narrative exceeds 800 words, only the first 800 words will be considered.

Applicants may also include the use of up to five examples in an appendix. These examples must illustrate points already made in the narrative rather than adding new details, and only the first five will be considered. Descriptions of the examples may be provided and should not exceed 25 words each (which are not counted toward the narrative’s word limit).

For this award, the narrative should answer the following questions:

  • How have you excelled in the area of graduate-level teaching, leadership, scholarship, and/or mentorship?
  • In what ways have you seen the impact of your contributions on student learning and/or outcomes?
  • How have you helped advance knowledge, innovation, and/or transformation in EKU’s graduate programs/courses?

Letters: Each submission is required to have a letter of support from a supervisor addressing the applicant’s efforts and success in the award area. In addition, no more than two (2) additional letters of support from others (e.g. students, colleagues, alumni) may be included.

1 award of $1,000, made possible by the Noel Endowment Fund.

This award is presented to an EKU faculty member who exhibits exemplary leadership. Leadership could take the form of service to the University or within communities and organizations external to EKU.

Any current full-time or part-time faculty member is eligible, with the following qualifications:

  • Senior administrators at the Associate Dean level and higher are not eligible.
  • Nominees may not receive the same award in two consecutive award cycles.
  • Nominees must have taught at least one course at EKU during the fall or spring of the current award cycle.

Application Process
All complete applications received by the deadline will be considered. Awards are selected by an appointed committee composed of previous award winners (when possible), faculty peers, and other university representatives with expertise in the award area. Applications are evaluated based on a rubric. Award recipients will be notified no later than March 1, and will be invited to attend the University Faculty Awards Ceremony during Scholars Week.

Application Materials
Narrative: Each applicant should submit an 800-word (or less) narrative in support of their application. In the event that a narrative exceeds 800 words, only the first 800 words will be considered.
Applicants may also include the use of up to five examples in an appendix. These examples must illustrate points already made in the narrative rather than adding new details, and only the first five will be considered. Descriptions of the examples may be provided and should not exceed 25 words each (which are not counted toward the narrative’s word limit).

For this award, the narrative should answer the following questions:

  • What is your leadership philosophy?
  • How is your leadership style informed by your experiences in the classroom and/or subject-matter expertise in your home discipline?
  • How and to what extent has your leadership made an impact at EKU and beyond?
  • How has your leadership enhanced knowledge, innovation, and/or transformation at EKU?

Letters: Each submission is required to have a letter of support from a supervisor addressing the applicant’s efforts and success in the award area. In addition, no more than two (2) additional letters of support from others (e.g. students, colleagues, alumni) may be included.

Award Assessment
Decisions are made using rubrics that considers both the breadth and depth of leadership as described in the nomination.

Final Review Rubric

1 award of $1,000, made possible by the Noel Endowment Fund.

This award is presented to an EKU faculty member who has demonstrated a strong record of accomplishments in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL). This would include systematic investigation into teaching, learning, and other conditions that improve learning or other related outcomes.
Accomplishments in advancing SoTL excellence can be demonstrated through increased student-centered pedagogical approaches including:

  • Systematic investigation regarding teaching, student learning and instructional conditions which promote learning, or similar pedagogic research.
  • Dissemination by published peer-reviewed scholarly work that leads to new knowledge in teaching and learning.
  • Strategies for new or innovative methods for determining the impact of teaching practices on student learning and/or knowledge retention.
  • Incorporation of student voices, from a culturally relevant perspective within design, collaboration, and dissemination in scholarship.
  • Adapting or enhancing SoTL strategies from the literature to further enhance student learning and/or knowledge retention.

Any current full-time or part-time faculty member is eligible to apply, with the following qualifications:

  • Senior administrators at the Associate Dean level and higher are not eligible.
  • Applicants may not receive the same award in two consecutive award cycles.
  • Applicants must have taught at least one course at EKU during the fall or spring of the current award cycle.

Application Process
All complete applications received by the deadline will be considered. Awards are selected by an appointed committee composed of previous award winners (when possible), faculty peers, and other university representatives with expertise in the award area. Award recipients will be notified no later than March 1, and will be invited to attend the University Faculty Awards Ceremony during Scholars Week.

Application Materials
Narrative: Each applicant should submit an 800-word (or less) narrative in support of the application. In the event that a narrative exceeds 800 words, only the first 800 words will be considered.
Applicants may also include the use of up to five examples in an appendix. These examples must illustrate points already made in the narrative rather than adding new details, and only the first five will be considered. Descriptions of the examples may be provided and should not exceed 25 words each (which are not counted toward the narrative’s word limit).

For this award, the narrative should answer the following questions:

  • How does your SOTL project/research promote or advance the process of teaching and learning?
  • Describe how students and/or faculty at our institution benefit from your findings.
  • Describe the innovation of your investigation and/or findings. What sets it apart from similar research/scholarly projects?
    How can the results of your investigation/scholarly projects transform your academic discipline, EKU, and/or the service region?

Letters: Each submission is required to have a letter of support from a supervisor addressing the applicant’s efforts and success in the award area. In addition, no more than two (2) additional letters of support from others (e.g. students, colleagues, alumni) may be included.

Mission, Vision & Values

The Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning (FCTL) supports faculty and staff in their efforts to create exceptional experiences for EKU students, by focusing on new and innovative teaching and learning strategies and collaborative sharing of knowledge.

The Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning will be a leading resource for EKU faculty and staff as they strive for excellence as teacher-scholars.

The work of the Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning is guided by these values:

  • Innovation in teaching and learning
  • Systematic reflection on the teaching and learning process
  • Collaboration and Relationship-building across departments, colleges, and units
  • Diversity of people and perspectives
  • Compassion and Respect for all people
  • Excellence in all efforts to support teaching and learning at EKU


Guides & Resources

FCT&L Events

Provost’s Leadership Institute

February 13th, 2025Powell 2199:00 AM - 4:30 PM February 14th, 2025Powell 2199:00 AM - 4:30 PMCelebration 4:30 PM - 6:30...


The Pedagogicon is an annual peer-reviewed conference focused on teaching and learning held virtually by Eastern Kentucky University (EKU) in...

New Faculty Symposium

Welcome to EKU and congratulations on your recent appointment! Below you will find information about our New Faculty Symposium (NFS)...

Contact Information


Crabbe Library
Room 318
