El Centro
Crabbe Library
Room 103A
Hours – Fall/Spring:
Mon-Thurs: 9 am – 8 pm
Fri: 9 am – 5 pm
Sun: 3 pm – 8 pm
Hours -Summer:
Mon-Fri: 9 am -5 pm
Director, Dr. Gómez-Becerra – jose.gomez-becerra@eku.edu
Bobby Verdugo & Yoli Ríos Bilingual Peer Mentor and Tutoring Center
The Bobby Verdugo and Yoli Ríos Bilingual Peer Mentor and Tutoring Center (El Centro) is located on the first floor of the Crabbe Library, 103A. We are a student-centered space that offers peer-to-peer academic support in multiple subjects and in various languages. Our goal is to support academic and professional wellness of all EKU students through the promotion of global perspectives and opportunities. We believe that student success can be achieved through a relationship rich education where students experience a genuine welcome and deep care.
El Centro provides a welcoming and immersive environment for students to practice language skills with other students and language professors, as well as tutoring, mentoring and study spaces. Additionally, it hosts cultural, professional, social, and academic events.