professional photo of Jason Fry
Science Building 3148

Jason Fry, Ph.D.

Associate Professor


  • Ph.D. Experimental Nuclear Physics, Indiana University
  • M.S. Physics, Indiana University
  • B.S. Physics (Honors Physics), Indiana University
  • B.A. Mathematics, Indiana University

Research & Academic Interests

  • Dr. Fry’s lab, the EKU Nuclear and Particle Physics Detector Lab, is centered around student learning and training. Students have the opportunity to collaborate on large fundamental physics experiments at national labs while gaining hands-on experience in our fully equipped lab space. Students build, test, and characterize equipment in the lab space to then conduct larger experiments at national labs. Additionally, to keep up with the constant injection of “big data” from the world around us and how we manage, process, and analyze the growing amounts of data, Dr. Fry has been awarded multiple computational grants for students and faculty to work and learn together regarding all things data and simulations.


  • "Study of neutron beta decay with the Nab experiment"; S. Baessler et. al, EPJ Web of Conferences 303, 05001 (2024)
  • “Fundamental Neutron Physics at Spallation Sources”; N. Fomin, J. Fry, R. W. Pattie Jr., and G. L. Greene; Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science 72, 151-176 (2022)
  • “Uncovering fundamental symmetries with neutrons”, J. Fry, Neutron News, 32:1, 9-10 (2021), DOI: 10.1080/10448632.2021.1875768

Associations, Affiliations & Work History

  • APS Division of Nuclear Physics

Awards & Accolades

  • NSF award 2412846: "RUI: Testing Fundamental Symmetries in Neutron Beta Decay", PI, $110,897 to date, $390,897 total intended award amount
  • NSF award 2213411: "LEAPS-MPS: Precision Measurements of Neutron Beta Decay to Test Fundamental Symmetries", PI, $211,202
  • NSF award 2246335: "IRES Track I: Development of the Neutron Optics Parity and Time Violation Experiment in Japan", co-PI, $294,784