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Eastern Kentucky University

Noel Studio for Academic Creativity

Noel Studio 9 Faculty and Staff

Faculty and Staff

Staff and Structure

The Noel Studio for Academic Creativity is situated within the Office of the Assistant Provost and led by Assistant Provost and Professor of English, Dr. Russell Carpenter, and a multidisciplinary team of administrators who oversee the programs, services, and daily operations of the Noel Studio, including the Faculty Center for Teaching & Learning; provide training, supervision, and support to our student staff; and serve as connections to their disciplinary departments. Meet our current administrators by visiting Noel Studio People.

Our primary student services, including our Consultation, Course-Embedded, and Workshop Programs, are facilitated by a team of graduate and undergraduate students from across the disciplines. Our staff participate in professional development, including group and self-guided training exercises and peer mentoring, throughout their tenure with the Noel Studio.


General Consultants: Graduate and Undergraduate

General Consultants are graduate and undergraduate students with demonstrated strong communication skills who are in good academic standing. Undergraduate and graduate Consultants work directly with students in the space and online to help students improve their communication skills and practices:

  • Graduate Consultants are typically graduate students enrolled in EKU’s English MA or MFA program who have been awarded a Graduate Assistantship (GA) by the Department of English. In addition to conducting consultations and/or facilitation workshops in the Noel Studio, GAs are offered a variety of opportunities to develop additional skills in writing, research, professional development, faculty instruction, and administrative roles through the Department of English (through teaching in the First-Year Writing Program) and Noel Studio (through Graduate Assistant Leadership Roles)
  • Undergraduate consultants are typically of sophomore, junior, or senior standing, and are hired from all departments across campus in order to support the interdisciplinary nature of the Noel Studio; as such, the Noel Studio’s student employee staff is composed of a diverse group of majors and minors.


Course-Embedded Consultants (CECs)

Course-Embedded Consultants are typically undergraduate students who meet all the same requirements as General Consultants, and are embedded in sections of ENG 101R and ENG 102R to consult exclusively with students from their assigned sections.


Desk Consultants

Desk Consultants are typically undergraduate students with demonstrated strong public service skills who are in good academic standing; they may be of any classification. Desk Consultants primarily staff our Reception Area to welcome and provide direction and support to visitors to the Noel Studio, assist students in scheduling rooms and consultations, and facilitate the opening and closing of consultations.


Non-Consulting Positions

The Noel Studio employs graduate and/or undergraduate students in several non-consulting roles throughout its program; all non-consulting positions are subject to change as our programs grow and evolve.

The Noel Studio for Academic Creativity

521 Lancaster Avenue
Richmond, KY 40475
Phone: 859-622-7330

Connect with Noel Studio @ EKU