Can I Use Financial Aid to Pay for a Winter Session Class?
Winter session is considered by Eastern Kentucky University and Big E Central to be a part of the nine-month school year; therefore, some financial aid may be available from your fall award.
Students must typically save aid money from any fall semester refund for additional coursework. If no financial aid funds are available, the student will be required to pay out-of-pocket before class begins.
Since each student’s individual financial aid package is different, it is recommended that you contact Big E Central to review your own particular financial aid package in order to determine what may be available to you.
Students will be expected to have payment for winter session arranged by the published deadline – before the start of winter session – or be dis-enrolled from winter session classes.
Students must have filed a FAFSA for the academic year of the winter session to be considered for any need-based aid. If you have questions, contact Big E Central at 859-622-2361.
November 21 – Deadline to Request Winter Term Aid
December 1 – Deadline to Accept Loans for Winter Term
Get additional information regarding winter term.