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Did You Know?

✔ Teachers in the United States rate their lives better than all other occupation groups, trailing only physicians

✔ Mid-career teacher salaries range between $60K and $100K

✔ Most teaching jobs have better retirement benefits than other jobs you can get with the same degree

✔ Student loan forgiveness programs and scholarships are available for math and science teachers

✔ You can get a job almost anywhere in the U.S. or abroad as a science or math teacher

✔ Behind every advance in medicine or technology is a teacher who left a lasting impression

✔ You can earn your master’s degree at EKU while working full-time as a classroom teacher

✔ Grade 7-12 science and math teachers get paid more than most college faculty.
Below is a comparison of college teaching faculty with grade 7-12 teachers. College teaching jobs require at least an MS and most a PhD. Grade 7-12 teachers typically begin with a BS and most have earned an MS by mid-career.




Eastern Kentucky University alumnus and middle school science teacher Ken Mattingly shares the opportunities throughout his teaching career that enabled him to extend his reach to students far beyond the classroom.​

College of Education and Applied Human Sciences

521 Lancaster Avenue
Bert Combs 420
Richmond, KY 40475
Phone: 859-622-1175

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