Filling out grant application forms? Find the University’s DUNS number, EIN, contact information for University officials, rates for indirect costs and benefits, and more below.
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Commonly Needed Information
Official Name of Institution:
Eastern Kentucky University
Official Address of Institution:
521 Lancaster Avenue
Richmond, KY 40475-3100
Authorized Organizational Representative
(Authorized official for signing proposals and awards):
Dr. Ryan K. Baggett
Dean of Online Learning, Graduate Education, and Research
(859) 622-8261
Administrative Contact:
Dr. Tiffany Hamblin, Director
Office of Sponsored Programs
Jones 414, Coates CPO 20
(859) 622-1757
Financial Contact:
Angela Burrows, Associate Controller
Accounting and Financial Services
Jones 213, Coates CPO 3A
(859) 622-1810
Federal Employer ID Number/Tax ID Number:
Unique Entity Identifier (UEI):
CAGE Code:
DUNS Number:
Congressional District:
Institutional Review Board (IRB):
IRB Identifier:IRB00002836
Federalwide Assurance Number: FWA00003332
Application Process
Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC):
Federal Animal Welfare Assurance ID: D16-00799 (Legacy Assurance ID: A4575-01)
Application Process
University Service Region:
22 County Region: Bell, Boyle, Casey, Clay, Estill, Garrard, Harlan, Jackson, Knox, Laurel, Lee, Leslie, Lincoln, Madison, McCreary, Owsley, Perry, Powell, Pulaski, Rockcastle, Wayne, and Whitley
Indirect (F&A) Costs Rate Information:
Federal Cognizant Agency: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Date of Agreement: March 26, 2019
Rate Agreement Period: July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2023 or until amended
The application of the appropriate F&A rate requires the classification of each sponsored project into one of the following function categories:
On-campus rates:
Organized Research: 44% MTDC for FY 2020; 45% for FY 2021; 46% beginning in FY 2022
Instruction: 53% MTDC
Other Sponsored Activities: 42% MTDC
Organized Research: 26% MTDC
Instruction: 26% MTDC
Other Sponsored Activities: 26% MTDC
All rates are applied to a Modified Total Direct Costs (MTDC) base, which is defined as all direct costs, excluding capital expenditures, equipment with a per-unit cost of $5,000 or more, charges for patient care and tuition remission, rental costs of off-campus facilities, scholarships, fellowships, participant support costs, and the portion of each subaward that exceeds $25,000.
The off-campus rate applies to activities performed in facilities not owned by the University and to which rent is directly allocated to the project. Actual costs must be apportioned between on-campus and off-campus components using the appropriate F&A rate.
Unless the sponsor limits Indirect Costs, the federally-approved rate will be calculated on all grant proposal submissions. If the sponsor limits Indirect Costs, the University will generally accept a lower rate provided that written documentation (i.e., policy statement or grant guidelines) from the sponsor is attached to the Internal Review and Approval Form for each proposal submission.
Fringe Benefit Rates for FY 2024:
Fringe Benefit Rates for FY 2025:
*If students are not hired through Student Employment (i.e., because they are not registered for enough hours to qualify for student employment), they must be budgeted as part-time employees with the benefits rate of 8.0%.
Proposals that include personnel expenses in FY 2026 or beyond, an estimated increase of one percentage point per year is recommended for full-time employee rates.
Student Hourly Wage Rates:
Student hourly wage rates vary by qualifications and duties, typically between $8 and $15 per hour. See the Student Employee Compensation Worksheet for determining rates. Student employees may not work more than the number of hours set by HR at the time the student is hired; no student may be approved for more than 20 hours during any week when classes are in session or 29 hours during any week when classes are not in session. To be hired as summer student workers, students must be registered for classes for the following fall semester.
Graduate Assistant Stipend Rates:
Full-time GA appointments are for 20 hours per week.
The rates above may be halved for a half-time GA appointment of 10 hours per week.
Six hours of graduate tuition per semester should also be budgeted for each full-time GA during the fall and spring semesters.
Annual Salary Increase Estimate:
*Regardless of estimated salary increases budgeted, increases occur only when implemented University-wide with the exception of faculty salary increases related to the promotion and tenure process.
Summer Salary Calculations:
Summer pay is based on the amount of time faculty work during summer months and is calculated as follows: [previous academic year base salary] / [9 months] x [number of summer months to be worked] x [percent of effort during those months]. Faculty may not be paid for vacation or other time not worked on the sponsored project during the summer and should not exceed the equivalent of 2.5 months at 100% effort. Time spent on teaching and other summer duties must be accounted for in determining effort. In no case may a faculty member earn more than 1/3 of their previous academic year’s 9-month base pay during the summer, including all sources of compensation.
Equipment Definition:
Capital equipment is defined as a single unit with a cost of $5,000 or more and a useful life of more than two years.
Travel Rates:
For information about travel policies and rates, please visit the Accounting and Financial Services website. Contact Parking and Transportation at 622-1061 for rate quotes for University vehicles or click here for contact information to request vehicle rental cost estimates.
Tuition Rates:
Click here for a breakdown of tuition and fees. Budget for an estimated increase of 3% annually.