EKU-CKEC Superintendents of the Year Experience Excellence Award
The Eastern Kentucky University – Central Kentucky Educational Cooperative Superintendents of the Year “Experience Excellence” Award recognizes and honors superintendents of CKEC-member districts for their contributions to public education and investment in the Commonwealth’s children and future.
Nominations are now being accepted for the prestigious inaugural awards. Any superintendent of a CKEC-member district may be nominated (self-nominations are also accepted). Completed nominations must be submitted by Friday, February 28, 2025.
EKU-CKEC “Experience Excellence” awards will be presented annually through a competitive selection process based on a superintendent’s identified talent and vision in the areas of instructional leadership, communication, professionalism, and community involvement. Superintendents of the Year “Experience Excellence” award recipients demonstrate through their practices and leadership that knowledge advances student success; they incorporate innovative thinking and bold action into their vision; and their transformational leadership style embraces guiding values of inclusion and trust.
EKU-SESC Superintendents of the Year Experience Excellence Award
The Eastern Kentucky University – Southeast South-Central Educational Cooperative Superintendents of the Year “Experience Excellence” Award recognizes and honors superintendents of SESC-member districts for their contributions to public education and investment in the Commonwealth’s children and future.
Nominations are now being accepted for the prestigious inaugural awards. Any superintendent of a SESC-member district may be nominated (self-nominations are also accepted). Completed nominations must be submitted by Friday, February 28, 2025.
EKU-SESC “Experience Excellence” awards will be presented annually through a competitive selection process based on a superintendent’s identified talent and vision in the areas of instructional leadership, communication, professionalism, and community involvement. Superintendents of the Year “Experience Excellence” award recipients demonstrate through their practices and leadership that knowledge advances student success; they incorporate innovative thinking and bold action into their vision; and their transformational leadership style embraces guiding values of inclusion and trust.