Graduate Faculty Status Guide

Graduate Faculty Application

Quality programs begin with quality faculty. Members of the Graduate Faculty at EKU have agreed to undergo a periodic review of their teaching, scholarly, and service activities to demonstrate continuous contributions to their respective academic disciplines.

The supervision of theses and service as a chair of a Graduate Advisory Committee is restricted to Full or Associate Graduate Faculty. Service as chair of a doctoral dissertation committee is restricted to Full Graduate Faculty. Normally service on Graduate Advisory or Graduate Examination Committees and teaching graduate courses is restricted to Full, Associate, or Clinical/Practitioner Graduate Faculty.

The Graduate School will route the digital application packet to the Department Chair and College Dean for approval prior to its review by the Graduate Council.

Initial/Associate Graduate Faculty

Full-Time, Tenure-Track Faculty with Department’s Terminal Degree, have not previously applied for graduate faculty status. Associate status has a two year appointment – followed by a nomination to full Graduate Faculty. Associate Graduate Faculty may teach courses at the graduate level and serve on thesis and/or comprehensive examination committees and graduate curriculum committees, as well as the Graduate Council. Associate Graduate Faculty may also serve as chair of thesis committees but should be mentored by another member of the Graduate Faculty when chairing a thesis committee for the first time.

Generally, applicants for Initial Appointment/Associate Graduate Faculty status must meet the following criteria:

  • Hold a full-time tenure/tenure-track appointment at EKU.
  • Have earned the highest degree normally awarded in the field.

Initial Appointment/Associate Graduate Faculty status is granted for two years. After that time, faculty must apply for and be approved as Associate or Full Graduate Faculty.

New/Renewal Graduate Faculty

Full-Time, Tenure-Track Faculty with Department’s Terminal Degree, have a teaching record of at least three graduate or upper-division undergraduate level courses in the past two years, recommendation from department chair indicating quality teaching and other scholarship requirements noted on the website above. Next step after two years with Associate Graduate Faculty Status.

Generally, applicants for Graduate Faculty status must meet the following criteria:

  • Hold a full-time tenure/tenure-track appointment at EKU.
  • Have earned the highest degree normally awarded in the field.
  • Have a teaching record of at least three graduate or upper-division undergraduate level courses during the past two years.
  • Have a recommendation from the department chair indicting quality teaching at the upper-division or graduate level.

Applicants must provide evidence of at least TWO scholarly activities conducted within the past five years from activities listed below:

  • Refereed article in a regional or national professional journal.
  • A regional or national juried performance or exhibit.
  • Substantial contribution to professional literature (e.g., chapter of a book with a recognized academic publisher).
  • Awarded or approved grant proposal from competitive external agencies.
  • Presentation at a regional or national professional meeting related to their field.

Applicants must provide evidence of at least ONE scholarly or service activities conducted within the past five years from activities listed below:

  • Refereed article in a regional or national professional journal.
  • A regional or national juried performance or exhibit.
  • Substantial contribution to professional literature (e.g., chapter of a book with a recognized academic publisher).
  • Awarded or approved grant proposal from competitive external agencies.
  • Presentation at a regional or national professional meeting related to their field.
  • Leadership in professional organizations.
  • Grant proposal submitted to a competitive external agency.

New Faculty Status: Next step after two years with Associate Graduate Faculty Status.
Renewal Faculty Status: Graduate Faculty status must be renewed every five years unless the faculty member has Professor Rank, in which case the Graduate Faculty status will be permanent.

Adjunct/Clinical/Practitioner Graduate Faculty

A faculty member teaching graduate or post-baccalaureate clinical, practicum, or internship courses who holds at least a master’s degree in the teaching discipline and has certification/licensure or demonstrated clinical/practice leadership in a specialization relevant to the course content may apply for Clinical/Practitioner Graduate Faculty status. Clinical/Practitioner Graduate Faculty will be teaching specified graduate courses and may have limited responsibilities and privileges related to the graduate education at EKU.

Generally, applicants for Clinical/Practitioner Graduate Faculty status must meet the following criteria:

  • Hold at least a master’s degree in the teaching discipline and must have certification/licensure or demonstrated clinical/practice leadership in a specialization relevant to the course content.
  • Two to five years (depending on discipline specific accreditation requirements) practice experience in the teaching area at the advanced level.
  • Leadership role in practice or in the profession.
  • List of undergraduate and/or graduate courses taught during the last five years.
  • List of comprehensive examination or thesis committees on which the applicant has served.
  • The nomination form must be accompanied by the faculty’s teaching evaluations or a letter from the department chair giving evidence of excellent teaching.

Must be renewed every five years.
*Please complete the application electronically (handwritten forms may be returned), print, and obtain required signatures before sending to the Graduate School.

Retired Graduate Faculty

EKU Faculty who hold Graduate Faculty status at the time of retirement from EKU may be granted Retired Graduate Faculty status for an initial three-year period subject to recommendation by the Department and approval by the Graduate Council. Retired Graduate Faculty are eligible for additional three-year appointments subject to notification of, and approval by, the Graduate Council. Retired graduate faculty may teach courses at the graduate level and serve on thesis and/or comprehensive examination committees and graduate curriculum committees. Retired Graduate Faculty are NOT eligible to serve as the chair of thesis or dissertation committees.

Retired Graduate Faculty must meet the following criteria:

  • Hold a full-time tenure appointment and be a member of the Graduate Faculty at EKU at the time of retirement;
  • Have earned the highest degree normally awarded in the field.

Renewal is required every three years.


Contact the Graduate School with any questions you may have.