
Office of Sustainability

The Office of Sustainability leads Eastern Kentucky University towards a sustainable future through engagement, outreach, policy, and operations. Discover how EKU approaches sustainability across campus and how you can take action.

Hydration Station Request

EKU currently has 21 filtered water bottle refilling stations located across campus. These stations have prevented 1,239,466 plastic bottles from entering landfills!

EKU Facilities Services installs only Elkay EZH20 Bottle Filling Stations (LZSG8WSSK). These stations cost approximately $1,900 (cost covered by the requesting department) while the filters cost of approximately $80 each (cost covered by the Office of Sustainability). Departments may request the installation of “Hydration Stations” if they are able to do the following:

  • Fund the initial cost of the equipment during installation.
  • Contact EKU Facilities to request needed filter replacement.

In order to request the installation of a Hydration Station in your building, please submit a RCF (request for change of facilities) through the EKU Facilities work order system, WebTMA.

Please note: Not all water fountains can be converted into Hydration Stations. Facilities Services will review each request and evaluate feasibility of installation.

Campus Sustainability Efforts

EKU recognizes the importance of reducing its carbon footprint and the role the University plays in educating its students and employees on the threat of climate change. On October 20, 2015, EKU President Michael Benson signed the Second Nature Climate commitment, a pledge of leadership committing the University to developing a plan and identifying a target date for achieving carbon neutrality. EKU adopted its first Climate Action & Resiliency Plan in February 2017 and has begun implementing many of the carbon mitigation strategies outlined within it.

  • EKU installed a 7-panel solar PV system on the roof of its Science Building in 2014. This array produces approximately 1,400 kWh per year.
  • A 20- panel solar PV array was installed in July 2017 near the Science Building that generates approximately 10,300 kWh per year.

  • Recycling containers are labeled and color coded across campus to help you separate your waste materials for maximum recyclability.
  • All EKU’s aluminum is donated to the Madison County Habitat for Humanity. EKU’s recycled aluminum has purchased four complete “habitat homes,” providing low-income housing for local families in need!
  • EKU recycles many other common materials such as paper, plastics, and cardboard as well as batteries, electronic waste, cell phones, and furniture. Unfortunately, due to local infrastructure limitations, EKU currently cannot recycle glass.
  • Batteries & Inkjet Cartridges can be mailed internally to Central Stores via Colonels Recycle Envelopes for recycling. If you need an envelope contact the Office of Sustainability. Please place tape over battery terminals to prevent sparking and do not overstuff envelopes.
  • Student Computing Services and the EKU Police have teamed up to collect old cell phones for the benefit of Hope’s Wings Domestic Violence Shelter in Madison County. You can drop them off outside the IT office in Combs 230.
  • Contact Facilities Services directly to schedule pick up of unwanted electronics and furniture.

EKU understands the importance of water efficiency and protecting Kentucky’s waterways and groundwater from pollution. That’s why we pay close attention to the way we consume water in our buildings, landscapes, and agricultural areas and have implemented a Stormwater Quality Management Plan (SWQMP). The SWQMP focuses on reducing the discharge of pollutants and protecting water quality.

NOTICE: EKU takes stormwater quality seriously. If you witness an illicit discharge or “illegal dumping on campus” please notify Environmental Health & Safety through emergency dispatch by dialing 911 or (859) 622-1111. Thank you for your assistance in keeping campus stormwater pollutant free.

  • Reusable to-go containers
  • EKU Dining sources beef and pork from EKU Meadowbrook Farm along with miscellaneous items such as pumpkins in the fall.

The Office of Sustainability has received three KY Pride Fund Grants from 2022-2024 that have helped build a campus-wide composting program in collaboration with EKU Dining, Facilities Management, and EKU Meadowbrook Farm.

Participating Dining Locations:

  • Case Kitchen
  • Stratton Café
  • Burrier Café
  • Greenhouses on Campus
  • Starbucks
  • Java City
  • Einstein’s Bagels
  • Colonel’s Grill
  • Model Laboratory School

Ways to Take Action

  • Courses & Programs – EKU offers many environmental courses as well as a certificate and minor program in Environmental Sustainability & Stewardship that can prepare students for a career in a sustainability related field. Interested students should contact Dr. Alice Jones for more information.
  • Student Organizations – The Office of Sustainability supports many events throughout the academic year that students can support, volunteer, and attend. EKU also is home to a number of student organizations that focus on environmental stewardship; the Green Crew and Environmental Health & Safety (EHS) Club are a couple of good options for student leaders committed to the environment.
  • Campus Initiatives – EKU supports several ongoing programs that students can utilize to reduce their footprint. From recycling and campus beautification projects to low impact transportation options like biking, EKU Rides ridesharing platform, and the Big E Transit system, there are ample opportunities to do your part.
  • Residence Hall Sustainability – We all know to turn off the lights when they’re not in use, to take short showers, and turn the water off while we brush our teeth, right? But did you know that EKU also hosts a number of greenhouses, a community garden, and a weekly farmers market to bring fresh & local foods directly to campus? Download EKU’s Resident Sustainability Checklist to learn more ways you can live more sustainability on campus.
  • Join Student Sustainability Coalition (SSC) – The Student Sustainability Coalition serves as a group of students associated with EKU’s Office of Sustainability. SSC provides a unique space for earthly-minded individuals to connect with each other and expand their knowledge and connection with the Earth. Members can get involved in the Office of Sustainability’s outreach events and campus initiatives along with service and volunteer opportunities. Officers also serve as the office’s paid student interns. Check us out on Engage to join. Instagram: @eku_ssc
  • Follow Us & Spread the Word – Check EKU Students Today and follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to stay up to date on EKU sustainability news and events!

  • Office Energy Efficiency – Save energy by purchasing energy efficient office equipment. Try to avoid mini fridges and other small personal appliances and instead share such devices with colleagues. Be sure to switch off and unplug your electronic devices over breaks and weekends to eliminate “phantom” power usage. Use LED bulbs rather than inefficient incandescent or hazardous compact fluorescent ones in any personal lighting. Avoid using energy intensive electric space heaters and be sure to turn off your lights when you leave the office.
  • Waste Management – Set an example for your students and peers. Learn how to recycle properly on campus by downloading the “What goes where?” flyer. Cardboard boxes including pizza boxes can be set next to any waste bin for recycling by custodial staff. Reduce printing whenever possible and print double sided. Recycle your unwanted textbooks in marked drop-off bins across campus. Before buying office furniture, be sure to check out EKU’s surplus store and eBay site. Contact IT to recycle your used electronics.
  • Events – Conferencing and Events and Facility Services can provide recycling facilities at any event. Other ways you can make your event more sustainable include advertising digitally versus print, using reusable cutlery over disposable, providing beverages in bulk (i.e. coolers or pitchers) instead of bottles or cans, and supplying or selling refillable drinking containers. Choose reusable, recyclable, or biodegradable decorations whenever possible. If you would like more ideas on how to make your event more sustainable contact us!
  • In the Classroom – Interested in incorporating sustainability learning outcomes into your syllabus or inviting the Office of Sustainability to your class? Contact us for assistance or to schedule an educational presentation.

News & Updates

Contact Information

Office of Sustainability

Case Building
Room 305
