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Department of Military Science & Leadership – Army ROTC

College of Justice, Safety & Military Science

Department of Military Science & Leadership – Army ROTC

College of Justice, Safety & Military Science

Become Part of a Tradition of Military and Leadership Excellence

Answer the call of duty and become a top notch officer

The Eastern Kentucky University Army ROTC program is an exceptional leadership program, consisting of Military Science and Leadership classes along with basic training. The Military Science Department is housed within the College of Justice, Safety, and Military Science, a designated Council on Post-Secondary Education “School of Distinction”.

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Join the Battalion

High school students can begin the National Scholarship process beginning February 1 of their junior year. If you need to schedule an appointment with our Professor of Military Science as part of the process, please contact Mr. Eric Sheaks by email or at 859-622-1215, or contact Claire Jennings by email or at 859-622-1205.

NOTE: All EKU Students are able to enroll in EKU’s Army ROTC Foundation Courses (MSL 101/102 OR 201/202) as an elective without any obligation to ROTC or the Army. Military Service obligation starts AFTER college graduation and completion of the ROTC program requirements.

ROTC Scholarship Contracted Cadets Receive:

  • 100% Tuition OR $6,000 per semester for Room and Board
  • $1,200 Annual Book Stipend
  • Tax Free Monthly Stipend ranging from $420
  • University provided Room and Board scholarship (worth up to $2,382 for room and $1,813 for meals)

ROTC Non-Scholarship Contracted Cadets Receive:

  • Tax Free Monthly Stipend ranging from $420
  • Eligible for EKU Army ROTC Room Scholarship (worth up to $3,058 per semester)

Students Must Meet Eligibility Criteria in Order to Contract in EKU’s Army ROTC program
To contract and receive Army ROTC financial opportunities, students must meet these requirements:

  • Minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 (Scholarship) OR 2.0 (Non-Scholarship)
  • ACT/SAT For Scholarship Application (*Minimum Scores Are No Longer Required) *No ACT/SAT required for Non-Scholarship options*
  • Be medically qualified (Department of Defense Medical Evaluation Review Board; DODMERB)
  • Able to pass the Army Combat Fitness Test with 60 points in each event
  • Meet US Army height and weight standards
  • Have no civil convictions
  • Be approved by the Professor of Military Science
  • Have at least two years of college remaining or three years at most
  • U.S. Citizen/Permanent Resident

If you are interested in participating in EKU Army ROTC beyond MSL 101/102 (Freshmen) or MSL 201/202 (Sophomore), schedule an interview with the Recruiting Operations Officer, Mr. Eric Sheaks, to discuss potential career opportunities.

Current undergraduate and graduate students may qualify for EKU Army ROTC scholarship and non-scholarship options as well as Army National Guard or Army Reserve opportunities.

EKU Army ROTC Campus Based Scholarships and Non-Scholarship Opportunities

We offer 2, 2.5 and 3-year ROTC scholarships at EKU’s Army ROTC program. Find out more about Campus Based Scholarships. Schedule an interview with the Recruiting Operations Officer (Mr. Eric Sheaks) to discuss potential scholarship opportunities.

If you wish to schedule an appointment with our Professor of Military Science as part of the process, please contact Mr. Eric Sheaks by email or at (859) 622-1215 or contact Claire Jennings by email or at (859) 622-1205.

All EKU Students are able to enroll in EKU’s Army ROTC Foundation Courses (MSL 101/102 OR 201/202) as an elective without any obligation to ROTC or the Army. Military Service Obligation starts AFTER Graduation and completion of EKU Army ROTC program requirements

ROTC Scholarship Contracted Cadets Receive:

  • 100% Tuition OR $6,000 per semester for Room & Board
  • $1,200 Annual Book Stipend
  • Tax Free Monthly Stipend starting at $420
  • Eligible for EKU Army ROTC Room Scholarship (worth up to $3,058 per semester)

ROTC Scholarship Contracted Cadets Receive:

  • 100% State Tuition Assistance (National Guard) OR Federal Tuition Assistance (Reserve)
  • Tax Free Monthly Stipend ranging from $420
  • Receive E-5 Drill Pay ($350 2-Day Drill Weekend)
  • Eligible for SMP Kicker ($350 monthly)
  • Eligible EKU Army ROTC Room Scholarship (worth up to $3,058 per semester)

ROTC Scholarship Contracted Cadets Receive:

  • Tax Free Monthly Stipend ranging from $420
  • Eligible for EKU Army ROTC Room Scholarship (worth up to $3,058 per semester)

Students Must Meet Eligibility Criteria in Order to Contract in EKU’s Army ROTC program
To contract and receive Army ROTC financial opportunities, students must meet these requirements:

  • Minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 (Scholarship) OR 2.0 (Non-Scholarship)
  • ACT/SAT For Scholarship Application (*Minimum Scores Are No Longer Required) *No ACT/SAT required for Non-Scholarship options*
  • Be medically qualified (Department of Defense Medical Evaluation Review Board; DODMERB)
  • Able to pass the Army Combat Fitness Test with 60 points in each event
  • Meet US Army height and weight standards
  • Have no civil convictions
  • Be approved by the Professor of Military Science
  • Have at least two years of college remaining or three years at most
  • U.S. Citizen/Permanent Resident

If you are an enlisted Soldier in the Army National Guard OR Army Rerserves you qualify for the Simultaneous Membership Program (SMP). SMP Cadets are able to compete for Active Duty under Non-Scholarship option OR able to compete for the Guaranteed Reserve Forces Duty (GRFD) Scholarship, but must remain Guard or reserves. Contact the Recruiting Operations Officer, Mr. Eric Sheaks, for more information by email or at 859-622-1215

Simultaneous Membership Program National Guard and Reserves

Available to any full-time college student willing to join Army ROTC and Army National Guard OR Army Reserves. The SMP option is also available to current members of the Reserve Component (Army Reserve or National Guard) or non-scholarship ROTC cadets.


  • Be enrolled in EKU Army ROTC MSL course with a minimum of 2-YRs or 3-YRs maximum of academic major in order to contract with ROTC (Undergraduate and Graduate students eligible)
  • Full-time college student
  • Join Army ROTC by enrolling in MSL course (MSL 101 or 102 Freshman, MSL 201 or 202 Sophomore)
  • Join Army National Guard or Reserves
  • Attend Army ROTC classes “simultaneously” in both their assigned unit and their ROTC unit
  • On track to complete bachelor’s degree or master’s degree with 2-years remaining (minimum) or 3-years (maximum)
  • Complete Army ROTC program requirements in order to Commission as a Second Lieutenant

Simultaneous Membership Program (Non-Scholarship Option)

  • Commission as a 2nd Lieutenant in your choice the Army National Guard, Reserves or compete for Active Duty.
  • Will not be required to deploy while in school.
  • Drill pay at E5 grade (or higher based on current rank) per month (about $350)
  • 2-week annual training pay ($2000)
  • Drill as a Cadet in current unit or move units
  • Army ROTC Stipend $420 monthly during semesters (Must be a contracted Cadet with EKU)
  • Federal Tuition Assistance ($250 per credit hour up to 16 hours) National Guard and Reserves
  • State Tuition Assistance Program (up to $60,000 total) National Guard ONLY
  • G.I. Bill benefits starting at $429 monthly for those who qualify with $350 kicker monthly National Guard and Reserves MOS Qualified

National Guard and Reserves GRFD Scholarship (2-YR, 2.5-YR, 3-YR or 4-YR Options)

  • GRFD scholarships cover 100% full tuition OR $12,000 Room and Board per-semester
  • GRFD scholarships cover $12,000 annual living allowance
  • GRFD recipients receive $1,200 for books annually
  • Graduate students can also apply if they have only two years remaining until they graduate
    Cadets participate in SMP program
  • GRFD scholarship recipients must commission as a second Lieutenant in National Guard or Reserves (CANNOT COMPETE FOR ACTIVE DUTY)
  • Commission as a 2nd Lieutenant in the Army National Guard OR Reserves
  • Will not deploy while contracted as a EKU Army ROTC Cadet
  • Drill Pay at E5 grade (or higher based on current rank) per month (about $350)
  • Two weeks annual training pay ($2,000)
  • Army ROTC stipend $420 monthly during semesters (Must be a contracted Cadet with EKU)
  • Federal Tuition Assistance ($250 per credit hour up to 16 hours) National Guard and Reserves
  • State Tuition Assistance Program (up to $60,000 total) National Guard ONLY
  • G.I. Bill benefits for those who qualify

You will incur an 8 year military obligation. Obligation will begin with commission (right after a degree is obtained).

National Guard and Reserve Soldiers may begin the application process by completing this webform to schedule a meeting with the Recruiting Operations Officer.

If you are an enlisted soldier on Active Duty you may qualify for the Green to Gold program. The Green to Gold program provides options for Soldiers interested in pursuing a bachelors or masters degree and earning a commission as an Army Officer.

The Green to Gold program offers three options:

  • Scholarship
  • Non-Scholarship
  • Active Duty Option

For more information contact the EKU Recruiting Operations Officer Mr. Eric Sheaks by email or at 859-622-1215.

What to Expect as a Cadet

As a participating student or contracted Cadet in Army ROTC you can expect to take one Army ROTC course per semester, which is separated by academic class and Basic/Advanced courses. If participating students are interested in Army ROTC scholarships and financial opportunities, the student must be registered for an MSL course. Physical Training, classroom time, and Leadership Lab take up only 6-9 hours a week. In addition, Army ROTC Basic Course classes (F/So) are open to all full time college students as an elective that count toward academic credit. By taking these classes you do not incur any obligation to Army ROTC or the U.S. Army. If you are interested in Army ROTC check out one or all of the courses offered to see what it is all about!

Basic course outline the foundation of leadership and military skills training. Students may register for Basic Courses during Fall and Spring semesters. Any student may register and participate in basic courses regardless of academic status. Advanced courses are required in order to graduate and commission as an Army Officer. Students must meet or complete the basic course requirements in order to register for advanced courses. Students must receive a course override from EKU Army Administrator to register for advanced courses.

Physical Training (PT) takes place in the mornings on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday each week. The early hours may take a few weeks to get used to but after a while you realize it is a great way to start your day. Regardless of your physical fitness level, Army ROTC incorporates a training regimen that adapts to all abilities where you will be challenged and see increased personal improvement. Each PT session focuses on improving a Cadet’s deadlift, standing power throw, hand-release, push-ups, spint-drag-carry, leg tuck, planks, and 2 mile run capabilities in order to set them up for success on the six event Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT).

For three hours each week, all Cadets meet to conduct Leadership Lab. This lab is a hands-on practicum which exposes the Cadet to military skills and affords them opportunities to develop and refine their leadership styles and abilities under differing constraints and environments. Every semester the Colonels Battalion conducts a weekend long Field Training Exercise (FTX) where the Cadets are able to practice the skills they have been learning on campus. FTX is generally conducted at a location which is conductive to activities such as land navigation, repelling and paintball.

Shoulder Sleeve Insignia (SSI)
The Eastern Kentucky University SROTC program had its SSI authorized on June 25, 1974 by the Institute of Heraldry. SROTC Cadets are authorized to wear school specific patches on the right sleeve of the Army Combat Uniform, traditionally reserved for Soldiers who earn ‘combat badges’. SROTC patches are authorized in Army Regulation 145-1, Chapter 4-6.

The EKU Army ROTC SSI is a shield shaped item with an arched scroll attached above the shield, consisting of a white shield edged with a maroon border, on a maroon mound below a green area, in base surmounting white clouds edged light blue, overall in the vertical center the maroon silhouette of a frontiersman with a rifle. The frontiersman is representative of Daniel Boone who spent a large portion of his life exploring Kentucky. The mountains and clouds represent the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains that are visible from campus. Attached above the shield a white arched scroll edged with a maroon border, inscribed “EASTERN” in maroon letters.

Close up image of the Army ROTC Shoulder Loop Insignia Shoulder Sleeve Insignia (SSI) pin

Shoulder Loop Insignia (SLI)
The Eastern Kentucky University SROTC program had its SLI authorized on June 6, 1974, by the Institute of Heraldry.
The EKU Army ROTC SLI is a gold metal and enamel device 1 3/16” in height overall consisting of a maroon enamel shield on which is a gold color metal and white enamel silhouette of a frontiersman with rifle, standing on gold color metal and white enamel mound within a circular pattern of fifteen white enamel stars. The fifteen stars are representative of Kentucky being incorporated as the 15th state. Attached below the shield is a maroon segmented scroll inscribed “HONOS” on the dexter segment “OFFICUM” on the center segment and “PATRIA” on the sinister segment in gold color metal letters. “Honor, Officum, Patria” stands for Duty, Honor, Country; the three characteristics that embody EKU Cadets and Army officers.

The Military Science and Leadership Department Army ROTC Colonels’ Battalion is located in the Weaver Building. The main office is on the second floor Suite 200 at 217 Park Drive, Richmond, KY 40475.


Yes – You are encouraged to take ROTC classes to see if ROTC & the military is the right path.

No – You may take ROTC classes your first two years without any military service obligation.

Yes – You get to choose your academic major, ROTC leads to a minor. Our classes will also count toward your major elective requirements. You enroll in our classes just as others at EKU.

Yes – You are encouraged to pursue your interests. ROTC students are able to work jobs and participate in student organizations and athletic programs. Freshmen can plan to spend around 8- 10 hours a week in preparing and participating in class, leadership lab, and physical fitness training.

The first opportunity to earn an EKU ROTC scholarship is through our Colonels Challenge Dorm Scholarship as an incoming freshman.

No – The ROTC program trains all ROTC participants on leadership and shapes motivated Cadets into future Army Leaders. The training methodology is different than Basic Training.

No – A contracted Cadet’s military obligation does not begin until they have graduated/commissioned. Contracted ROTC Cadet are non-deployable.

Student Stories & Features

EKU student and Army ROTC Cadet Carter Sizemore

Carter Sizemore

EKU Student & Army ROTC Cadet
The EKU ROTC program has given me the resources to reach new heights I didn’t know I was able to achieve. I have made many connections and friends through this program; it never feels like I am alone in doing something, and I think that says a lot about the community that is created here. We have our high days, we have our low days, but I have no doubt that this program has helped me and many others become better people and better leaders.
EKU student and Army ROTC Cadet Chloe Hampson

Chloe Hampson

EKU Student & Army ROTC Cadet
Chloe Hampson ’25 “The ROTC program is full of opportunity and comradery. Cadets learn important skills needed to commission as an officer in the Army, as well as have opportunities to compete for Army schools. More importantly, cadets learn how to interact with other soldiers and build interpersonal relationships.

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Contact Information

Colonels’ Battalion

217 Park Drive
Suite 200 Weaver
Richmond, KY 40475

Office: 859-622-1205
Recruiting: 859-622-1215

Office: claire.jennings@eku.edu
Recruiting: eric.sheaks@eku.edu