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College of Justice, Safety & Military Science

College of Justice, Safety & Military Science

Join the Public Safety Professionals Essential to the Well-Being of our Communities

Prepare for a rewarding career and to enhance the quality of life in your community

The College of Justice, Safety and Military Science at Eastern Kentucky University is one of the largest of its type in the United States and is one of the six colleges that comprise the academic structure of the University. Within the College of Justice, Safety and Military Science is the School of Justice Studies, the School of Safety, Security, and Emergency Management, and the Department of Military Science and Leadership (Army ROTC). Faculty in the College are nationally and internationally known for their teaching, research, and service.

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Discover Our Facilities

The College of Justice, Safety, and Military Science is housed in the Stratton Building in the Robert R. Martin Complex. The Advising Center can help you with all your degree planning options, and Posey Auditorium is the perfect venue for student spotlight events, guest speakers, and awards ceremonies. Enjoy a meal from the Stratton Café on the patio, schedule a study session in the Student Hub, or use one of the computers located in the Commonwealth Credit Union Lounge.

The Emergency Medical Care Lab is located on the first floor of the Stratton Building, where students participate in hands-on training. The lab features the latest medical equipment and an ambulance simulation lab.

The Fire and Safety Program is housed in the Ashland, Inc. Fire and Safety Lab. The Ashland Building is home to a fire protection system lab, fire extinguisher service lab, and a multipurpose high bay lab. The newest addition to the lab and classroom space is a seven-room test burn facility.

The Richard H. Bogard Fire Protection System lab currently houses 24 sprinkler risers. The lab also holds a hydrant, PIV valve, and other water supply testing equipment that is used as part of the sprinklers and hydraulics class. Also used in this course and housed in the lab are operating systems and cut-away components.

The program purchased a new Pumper Truck from Sutphen Manufacturing in 2009. This truck is housed in the Ashland Building and is used as a training and educational tool for our students.

The center aligns faculty experts and resources across the university to support inter-disciplinary programs in wilderness medicine, wildland firefighting, conservation law enforcement, search and rescue, and wilderness risk management.

The center also delivers certification courses, available to the public, in Wilderness First Aid and Wilderness First Responder, as well as specialized wilderness EMS training for EMTs, Paramedics, Nurses, Physicians, Athletic Trainers, and advanced practice providers in other healthcare disciplines.

Custom training courses are also available. For inquiries, contact center director David Fifer at david.fifer@eku.edu.

Student Stories & Features

EKU student and Army ROTC Cadet Carter Sizemore

Carter Sizemore

EKU Student & Army ROTC Cadet
The EKU ROTC program has given me the resources to reach new heights I didn’t know I was able to achieve. I have made many connections and friends through this program; it never feels like I am alone in doing something, and I think that says a lot about the community that is created here. We have our high days, we have our low days, but I have no doubt that this program has helped me and many others become better people and better leaders.
EKU student and Army ROTC Cadet Chloe Hampson

Chloe Hampson

EKU Student & Army ROTC Cadet
Chloe Hampson ’25 “The ROTC program is full of opportunity and comradery. Cadets learn important skills needed to commission as an officer in the Army, as well as have opportunities to compete for Army schools. More importantly, cadets learn how to interact with other soldiers and build interpersonal relationships.

Jesse Valdez

EKU Safety Leadership and Management Student
The advisors, administrator, and instructors at EKU are compassionate, empathetic, and available to meet the educational needs of all students when necessary.

Message from Dean Derek Paulsen

Welcome to the College of Justice, Safety and Military Science at Eastern Kentucky University. We hope you will take a few minutes to explore our academic programs, course offerings, faculty profiles, and research institutes.

The School of Justice Studies and the School of Safety, Security, and Emergency Management brings together an exceptional and diverse collection of scholars of justice and safety whose life work is devoted to outstanding teaching, high-quality research, and meaningful service.

Our faculty are recognized both nationally and internationally for their accomplishments in the arena of justice and safety, and our graduates hold leadership positions in every field of justice and safety throughout the world.

Professional photo of Derek Paulsen

If you are serious about the studies and practices of justice and safety, we invite you to join this remarkable collection of scholars.

– Derek Paulsen, Dean of the College of Justice, Safety and Military Science

Program of Distinction

The College of Justice, Safety, and Military Science is Eastern Kentucky University’s first and only Program of Distinction, designated by the Council on Post-Secondary Education in 1998. POD funding has enabled college growth through the development of degree programs and upgraded building and classroom space, along with technology.

Upcoming Events

Provost’s Leadership Institute

February 13th, 2025Powell 2199:00 AM - 4:30 PM February 14th, 2025Powell 2199:00 AM - 4:30 PMCelebration 4:30 PM - 6:30...

Peak Performance Weekly Workshop

Experience test anxiety? Struggling with procrastination? Want to be more motivated? Peak Performance is for you! Peak Performance is a...

News & Updates

Sky’s the Limit with EKU’s Innovative UAS Program

Controller in hand, the drone lifts off the ground and rises steadily and effortlessly into the sky. Under the operator’s control, it soars through the landscape transmitting valuable data and […]

Contact Information

College of Justice, Safety & Military Science

Stratton Building
Room 354
