Advising & Career Services

The Office of Advising and Career Services helps students achieve both academic and career goals. Starting with the first year, we help students explore who they are and their career options, and connect their experiences to post-graduate opportunities. Our Academic and Career Advisors serve as advisors for Exploratory, visiting, non-degree seeking, and those students not meeting KY academic readiness standards and assigned to the Success First (AGS) program. We can help all students with major or career exploration, co-op and internship opportunities, and preparing for your career.

General Education

General Education Requirements
The mission of general education is to promote learning that is central to the intellectual pursuits associated with our educational programs and to enable students to make informed choices about matters of public and personal significance in a diverse, democratic society and global community.

The general education program helps students to become informed, independent thinkers by developing competencies in communication, quantitative analysis, and critical thinking by helping them understand and appreciate the diversity of culture, individuals, the natural environment, and the global society. Courses that are used to satisfy the program’s Major Requirements cannot also be used to satisfy General Education requirements.


The Office of Advising and Career Services serves as a resource within the campus community (i.e., faculty, staff, student organizations) by providing workshops related to career readiness and best practices within today’s evolving workplace. These resources promote the Council for Postsecondary Education’s (CPE) Graduate Profile Ten Essential Skills and the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) Eight Core Readiness Competencies.

Professionalism Certificate

Earn a free Professionalism Certificate to add to your resume.
Finish this certificate on your own time. Each module completed will earn you a badge in that subject area. Once all modules are complete, the certificate will be awarded. Email oacs@eku.edu and request that you be enrolled into our Professionalism Organization on Blackboard.

Watch the webinars and review any attached handouts. Pass the quizzes in each module and downland your certificate as proof of completion.

Job Opportunities

Interested in a Part-Time Job?
The Office of Advising and Career Services helps students in finding off-campus employments. For more information or help finding part-time, off-campus employment contact Kelly Taylor.