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Want to travel around the world in one evening?

For the 31st consecutive year, international students at Eastern Kentucky University will share their respective cultures and cuisine with the campus and local community at the perennially popular International Banquet. The annual event, which typically attracts up to 400 guests, will be held on Saturday, April 8, at 7 p.m. in the Keen Johnson Ballroom. Doors will open at 6:30.

As in past years, International Student Association members will decorate the hall, prepare the foods of their native countries, and perform cultural dances and songs.

Tickets are on sale ($15 for students, $20 for all others) in the Office of International Student and Scholar Services, Whitlock 455, or may be reserved by contacting Seung Ryoo at 859-490-1707.

The International Student Association is also looking for volunteers to assist with cooking and decorations. Anyone interested in volunteering may sign up online at