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The Eastern Kentucky University College of Justice & Safety and its Kentucky Center for School Safety will host a free, day-long symposium on Wednesday, Sept. 20, in the Perkins Building for P-12 counselors throughout the Commonwealth.

Malcolm Smith photoDr. Malcolm Smith, a leading authority on bullying, peer victimization and anger among young people, will deliver the keynote address at 8:45 a.m. His talk is titled “What No One Ever Taught Me,” during which Smith will present strategies for being the “go-to” person when a behavioral crisis occurs in a school.

National Public Radio recently called Smith “the one force that just might singlehandedly solve our nation’s civility crisis.”

Smith is the founder and director of The Courage to Care Project and the author of a forthcoming book titled “The Meanest Generation: Solving Our Young People’s Civility Problem.” His message is simple: “We have to start teaching our young people civility again in our homes, our schools and our communities, or we will endanger our democracy.”

A close friend and former colleague of the late pioneer psychiatrist, Dr. Karl Menninger, Smith has researched the lives of more than 400 young people under the age of 18 who have committed acts of murder, school shootings or violence toward their peers or community members.

Breakout sessions will focus on bullying, suicide prevention, trauma-responsive care, student success and wellness, dealing with angry people, and family engagement, among other topics.

The event is currently full. To be placed on a waiting list, contact Beth Pritchett at, and include district, position, and contact information.