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Dr. Allen D. Engle Sr., Foundation professor of management and the Harold Glenn Campbell Endowed Chair of International Business at EKU, was two places at one time one recent Friday morning – thanks to Skype technology.

Engle photoAt 9:30 a.m. (3:30 p.m. Central European Time) on Sept. 29, Engle was the keynote speaker at the HSZOSZ Conference for Hungarian human resources practitioners, held on the campus of Debricin University in Debricin, Hungary. This year’s conference theme was “Impact of Globalization and Other Changes on Human Resources Management.”

Originating in his office, Engle’s half-hour presentation was titled “Trends and Tendencies in the HR Practices of U.S. Firms.” The presentation was moderated on site in Debricin, Hungary’s second-largest city, by Professor Jozsef Poor, an academic affiliated with several universities in Hungary, Slovenia and Romania, and a long-time research collaborator with Engle. It was followed by 15 minutes of Skyped and translated questions and answers.

Upon completing the keynote address, Engle joined his colleagues in the EKU Department of Management, Marketing and International Business in the Business and Technology Center for the annual Assurance of Learning activities.