The IACUC’s goal is to review applications as expeditiously as possible while still maintaining compliance with federal regulations and review requirements.
IACUC Training Requirements
All investigators and personnel engaged in activities involving animals must be trained in the appropriate care and use of animals. EKU subscribes to the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) Lab Animal Welfare online training program, and all individuals involved in animal activities are required to complete the “Working with the IACUC” module. Instructions for registering and using the CITI training modules are available here. CITI Completion Reports for all engaged individuals must be included as attachments to the IACUC application. This training is valid for a period of three years, after which time individuals are required to be recertified through the CITI training program. The initial certification can take several hours to complete and may be completed in multiple sessions. Individuals who are not faculty, staff, or students at EKU who have completed comparable training at another institution may present training documentation for the IACUC’s review.
Steps in the Submission Process
The EKU IACUC does not automatically require that applications be reviewed during a convened meeting, but a convened meeting is necessary if either of the following two events occur during the review of the application: (1) any one member requests a review by the full committee during a convened meeting; or (2) the application is not approved unanimously and without qualifications by committee members assigned as designated reviewers. Click here for a detailed description of the protocol review process.
Current animal care and use guidelines for studies involving specific animal groups: