Syllabus Statements

In keeping with Policy 4.1.4, Course Syllabi, all course syllabi must include a link to this page, which contains the current standardized statements regarding (1) Accessibility Accommodation; (2) Academic Integrity; and (3) Discrimination and Harassment, Title IX, and Prevention. These statements should be linked rather than copied into the syllabus at length.

This page also contains the standardized statement for the Mental/Physical Wellness Resources, which should be both linked and copied into the syllabus in its entirety.

Accessibility Accommodation Statement

Eastern Kentucky University strives to make all learning experiences as accessible as possible. Students registered with the Center for Student Accessibility (CSA) should request accommodation letters from the CSA office. The Center for Student Accessibility will email your academic adjustment letter to you, or you may stop by the office for a hard copy. You will provide your letter to the course instructor(s) immediately. We strongly recommend that you discuss the accommodations needed with your instructor(s). Students who need an accommodation for a documented medical, mental health, or learning difference may register online at If you have questions, you may email the CSA office at or telephone at (859) 622-2933. The Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act (ADAAA) does not consider pregnancy a disability.​ Students needing accommodations due to pregnancy should contact John Dixon, Chief Human Resources Officer & Interim Title IX Coordinator, at or contact the Office of Equal Opportunity & Title IX at 859-622-8020.

Academic Integrity Statement

EKU is committed to the Academic Integrity policy in this course. Students can find this policy posted online. For help with understanding how this policy works, contact the Office of Student Conduct.

Mental/Physical Wellness Resources

Eastern Kentucky University is committed to the wellbeing of all students.

Students dealing with feelings of sadness or hopelessness, thoughts of harm or suicide, or increased anxiety may utilize the resources below or, for after-hours assistance contact:

EKU Counseling Center After Hours Urgent support line:(859) 622-1303
National Suicide Hotline:(800) 273-8255 or dial 988

We encourage students to contact the following on-campus services for assistance regarding emotional and physical needs:

EKU Student Health Services:(859) 622-1303
National Suicide Hotline:(800) 273-8255 or dial 988