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Department of Engineering & Technology

College of Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics

Department of Engineering & Technology

College of Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics

Join the Next Generation of Engineering and Technology Professionals

Thrive in a high-technology industry

The Department of Engineering & Technology offers degrees specifically designed to meet the workforce needs in our region. Home to Kentucky’s only bachelor of science program in manufacturing engineering, EKU offers comprehensive programs with an emphasis in problem solving and critical thinking to prepare students for application-oriented careers. Students have access to advanced equipment and labs, a curriculum guided by industry experts, and valuable internship and career opportunities. Whether you aspire to become an engineer or a supervisor, our department offers a secure career path for students who want to be part of this booming field.

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Why Study Engineering and Technology at EKU?

Engineering and technology play a part in nearly every aspect of our daily lives. From identifying new clean energy sources to improving transportation systems, demand for engineering and technology professionals is only growing. Growth in demand means growth in opportunities for our students. Our mission is to produce well-trained graduates who possess the talent and problem-solving abilities valued by employers.

Student Stories & Features

Madeline Bentsen

EKU Forensic Science Graduate
The faculty was tough and fair, they wanted me to succeed and they pushed me to think critically and logically. However, they were very understanding and cared deeply for their students. They helped to prepare me for the field of forensics and helped me strengthen my weaknesses.
photo of Brad Rich

Brad Rich

EKU Forensic Science Graduate
The thing that I feel like many people, including myself, find surprising about the program is how encompassing it is. It’s not all chemistry or biology but also public speaking and critical thinking incorporated with mock trial and capstone that truly prepare you for the field of forensic science. After graduating I realized just how well I was prepared by the faculty in my program, making the transition from education to career seamless.

Madison High

EKU Environmental and Applied Geology Graduate
My degree provided me with the knowledge I needed to get a solid start to my career. I was able to get a job with the Kentucky Geological Survey within a few months of graduating and I am thrilled to be working for them. I also took the ASBOG Fundamentals of Geology exam shortly after graduating and passed it on my first try.
Front facing view of the Whalin Complex, surrounded by trees, on EKU's campus in summer.

Ralph W. Whalin Technology Complex

The Department is located in the Ralph W. Whalin Technology Complex, which includes approximately 100,000 square feet of classroom and laboratory space.

Laboratories housed in the Whalin Complex include automation, 3D printing/prototyping, robotics, electronics, computer aided drafting (CAD), flight simulators, quality assurance and metrology, materials and metallic processes, construction estimating, fluid power, networking, cyber security and computer applications.

The facilities are located in the central portion of campus and are close to the library, classroom buildings, and dormitories.

We have earned continuous ATMAE accreditation for our Bachelor of Science (B.S.) and Associate of Applied Science (A.A.S.) degree programs for several decades. The B.S. and A.A.S. degree programs in the ATMAE 2023-29 reaccreditation are offered through either the Department of Applied Engineering and Technology (AET), formerly the Department of Technology, or the Department of Computer Science & Information Technology (CSIT).

The Manufacturing Engineering program is seeking ABET accreditation as soon as eligibility requirements have been met. Accreditation is retroactive and will extend to prior graduates.

Upcoming Events

Provost’s Leadership Institute

February 13th, 2025Powell 2199:00 AM - 4:30 PM February 14th, 2025Powell 2199:00 AM - 4:30 PMCelebration 4:30 PM - 6:30...

Peak Performance Weekly Workshop

Experience test anxiety? Struggling with procrastination? Want to be more motivated? Peak Performance is for you! Peak Performance is a...

News & Updates

College of STEM Honors Mr. Mark Sweet

A two-time Eastern Kentucky University (EKU) graduate, Mr. Mark Sweet, was named the 2024 College of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Award recipient. The college’s highest honor is presented to […]

EKU Student Spotlight: Esteban Castro Platonoff

Mr. Esteban Castro Platonoff was born and raised in Latacunga, Ecuador, in an adventurous family with his dad Diego, mom Carla, and younger brother Felipe.  When asked why he choose to […]

EKU Faculty/Staff Spotlight: Dr. Karim Abdelhay

Dr. Abdelhay received his B.Pharm (Bachelor of Pharmaceutical Sciences) from Alexandria University in Egypt and his Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical Sciences from Auburn University. In fact, Dr. Abdelhay’s entire family, his […]

Contact Information

Department of Engineering & Technology

521 Lancaster Avenue
302 Whalin Technology Complex
Richmond, KY 40475
