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Bachelor of Science in Manufacturing Engineering

Department of Engineering & Technology

College of Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics

Bachelor of Science in Manufacturing Engineering

Department of Engineering & Technology

College of Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics



120 Credit Hours

to Graduate

Full-Time, In-State Tuition

$5,010 Per Semester

Free Books

for All Students

Bring Innovative Products to Life From Start to Finish

Explore new possibilities in prototyping, robotics, and process management

Manufacturing engineering plays a crucial role in the production of goods and products that are used by people around the world. Manufacturing engineers are professional problem-solvers. They use math and science, along with skills in critical thinking, to find practical solutions that improve products and processes. Manufacturing engineers DO things: they design, develop, prototype, fabricate, improve, invent, and make everyday products: from simple items used in the home or office to complex cars, trucks, aerospace products, and aircraft.

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Career Outlook

Industrial engineers focus on reducing internal costs, making their work valuable in manufacturing and other industries, such as consulting and engineering services and research and development firms. As more companies look to lower costs, demand is expected to increase for industrial engineers to optimize production processes, manage supply chains and logistics, and provide expertise on automation.

Within this classification, manufacturing engineers design or improve manufacturing systems or related processes. They may focus on the automated aspects of manufacturing production, upgrades to facility layout, or changes to processes to reduce costs and improve product quality. They also design manufacturing systems to optimize the use of computer networks, robots, and materials.

Employment of industrial engineers is projected to grow 12 percent from 2022 to 2032.

– U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

Graduates of the manufacturing engineering program are prepared for professional careers in numerous local, regional, and global industries. These include automotive, aerospace, medical, and technology. Engineering graduates are valued in many other areas as well, due to the emphasis on math, science, and problem solving.

Job Titles Include:

  • Process engineer
  • Production supervisor
  • Automation/robotics engineer
  • Manufacturing supply chain engineer

The Office of Academic and Career Services is a one-stop shop for all your career and professional development needs.

Services Include:

  • Creating/updating your resume and cover letter
  • Interviewing tips and coaching
  • Career documents review
  • Job search

Why EKU?

  • Free textbooks through EKU BookSmart
  • No application fee
  • Reduced tuition for active-duty military members and their spouses
  • Fast-track opportunities for students with 80 or more credit hours
  • Generous credit transfer policy
  • EKU is the only public university in Kentucky with a BS-Manufacturing Engineering degree
  • Customize your degree with 1 of 3 concentration areas
  • Small class size and excellent faculty ensure a supportive and effective learning environment
  • Faculty are experienced as both engineers and educators
  • The Manufacturing engineering program has significant involvement with local and regional industries in support of the classroom curriculum
  • An internship is required and students are routinely kept on as part-time employees throughout their education

Program Options

Choose between three concentrations that offer the opportunity to tailor the degree to specific career goals and give you a competitive edge in the job market. Options include:

Quality and Lean Manufacturing prepares students for careers as quality engineers, automation engineers, controls engineers, and engineering managers.

Advanced Manufacturing prepares students for careers as manufacturing systems design engineers, robotics engineers, additive manufacturing engineers, and automation engineers.

Industrial Health and Safety prepares students for careers as safety engineers, facility design engineers, communication engineers, and engineering managers.

Minors & Certificates

Select from a wide range of minors, allowing you to explore interests or make use of prior credits. Suggested minors available for this program include:

  • Mathematics
  • Business
  • Physics

View the full list of minors available.

You can also choose from numerous undergraduate certificates in specialty areas that complement and enhance your major as you work toward your degree. Suggested certificates for this program include:

  • Global Supply Chain Management

View the full list of certificates available for completion as you earn your degree.

Curriculum & Enrollment

The manufacturing engineering bachelor’s degree is designed to prepare graduates to become practicing manufacturing engineers. The program provides students with the skills to design, analyze and modify the processes and systems used to make products in the most time-efficient, cost-effective way possible while maintaining safety and product quality in environmentally friendly ways.

Students will gain expertise and practical knowledge in the major areas of manufacturing materials and processes, design for manufacturability, lean manufacturing, quality and process control, safety, automation and robotics. Graduates will be able to employ a strong base of fundamental engineering and management skills to effectively integrate people, technology, machines and capital to create positive change as they are involved in the manufacturing process from design to production to finished product.

A minimum of 120 credits are required to graduate with a manufacturing engineering bachelor’s degree.

View the degree requirements:

Please review the admissions requirements before applying for this or any program. If you have questions about the program or are planning to register for classes, please speak to the program advisor.

Students may transfer up to 90 hours of credit from accredited institutions. Please note that a minimum of 30 credit hours in this degree program must be completed at Eastern Kentucky University.

Previously earned credits must be reviewed upon admission to EKU for appropriate articulation.

All applicants must provide an application and evidence of appropriate scholastic achievement through prior educational experience.

Please note that certain degree programs have special admission requirements. Admission to the University does not mean automatic admission to all degree programs.

The completed application and all required supporting documentation must be received by the University no later than:

• August 1 for fall enrollment
• December 1 for spring enrollment
• May 1 for summer enrollment

To apply for undergraduate admission to Eastern Kentucky University (EKU), submit an application at apply.eku.edu and submit your materials noted below electronically or by mail to:

Office of Admissions
Eastern Kentucky University
Whitlock Bldg. 112, CPO 54
521 Lancaster Avenue
Richmond, KY 40475-3154.

Note: Students may select Manufacturing Engineering upon applying to the university. Students with a minimum of 27 on the Math subsection of the ACT exam (650 Math SAT) can place directly into calculus. Placement exams and resources are available and encouraged for students not meeting these criteria.

Enrolling & Advising Information

EKU’s College of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics is committed to delivering high-quality enrollment and academic advising for our students. We strive to create an atmosphere of mutual trust and meaningful engagement to help students reach their academic goals and have a rewarding educational experience.

Interested in enrolling? Reach out to our college enrollment counselor today.

Photo of Aida Bermudez

Aida Bermudez

College Enrollment Counselor


Student Stories & Features

Madeline Bentsen

EKU Forensic Science Graduate
The faculty was tough and fair, they wanted me to succeed and they pushed me to think critically and logically. However, they were very understanding and cared deeply for their students. They helped to prepare me for the field of forensics and helped me strengthen my weaknesses.
photo of Brad Rich

Brad Rich

EKU Forensic Science Graduate
The thing that I feel like many people, including myself, find surprising about the program is how encompassing it is. It’s not all chemistry or biology but also public speaking and critical thinking incorporated with mock trial and capstone that truly prepare you for the field of forensic science. After graduating I realized just how well I was prepared by the faculty in my program, making the transition from education to career seamless.

Madison High

EKU Environmental and Applied Geology Graduate
My degree provided me with the knowledge I needed to get a solid start to my career. I was able to get a job with the Kentucky Geological Survey within a few months of graduating and I am thrilled to be working for them. I also took the ASBOG Fundamentals of Geology exam shortly after graduating and passed it on my first try.

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News & Updates

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EKU Faculty/Staff Spotlight: Dr. Karim Abdelhay

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Contact Information

Department of Engineering & Technology

521 Lancaster Avenue
302 Whalin Technology Complex
Richmond, KY 40475
