A native of Decatur, Alabama, Joshua Wallin began his career at EKU in 2021 at the University Club at Arlington. As the First Assistant Golf Professional, he helped run the day-to-day golf operation. After a year at the University Club, he became the Administrative Affairs Coordinator for the PGA Golf Management Program.
A great addition to the program, Mr. Wallin earned a B.B.A. in Marketing with a concentration in PGA Golf Management from Eastern Kentucky University in 2020. As a student, he was involved in numerous activities on campus and within the program. As a PGA Golf Management student, he worked at diverse locations and clubs for his internships. The first, Spring Creek Ranch in Collierville, Tennessee; second, Hillendale Country Club in Phoenix, Maryland; third, the Ledges in Huntsville, Alabama; and finally, Griffin Gate Resort and Spa in Lexington, Kentucky.
Mr. Wallin was elected to PGA Membership in February 2021 and will continue his PGA career at EKU not only in an administrative role but also in a teaching capacity.