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The Eastern Kentucky University Board of Regents, meeting in regular session on June 22, approved a new Strategic Plan for the University.

The plan, entitled “Make No Little Plans: A Vision for 2020,” focuses on six strategic goals: academic excellence, commitment to student success, institutional distinction, financial stability, campus revitalization and service to communities and region. Each goal is supported by several strategic initiatives.

Matt Roan, co-chair of the Strategic Planning Committee, said the plan is the “result of the collaborative efforts of many individuals. It represents shared governance at its finest.”

In other business, the Board:

*         approved a 2015-16 budget of approximately $348 million, up a little less than 2 percent from the University’s 2014-15 budget of approximately $342 million.

*         approved the demolition of four housing units, beginning no sooner than Spring 2016: Dupree, Martin and Todd residence halls and the 700/800 blocks of Brockton Family Housing. An exact timeline for the demolition work has not yet been established. University officials said affected students would be accommodated in other University housing with minimal disruption. “The design and layout of the buildings cannot be easily modified or renovated into a format currently in demand by students, and any expense to attempt to renovate these buildings would not be prudent,” said Vice President for Finance and Administration Barry Poynter. Dupree and Todd halls, which opened in 1964, are 11 stories and house approximately 340 students each. Martin Hall, which opened in 1962, is four stories and houses up to 400 students. New residence halls will be built on the sites of Dupree, Martin and Todd halls as part of the University’s ongoing campus revitalization efforts.

*         approved a new master’s degree program in Athletic Training, pending final approval by the Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education.

*         approved faculty emeritus status for Foundation Professors Dr. Hal Blythe and Dr. Charlie Sweet.

*         heard a presentation by Bullhorn Creative, the Lexington firm engaged by the University to provide expert guidance in the development of a new brand strategy.

                  *        heard a presentation by EKU Athletics. Director of the Athletics Steve Lochmueller, two       coaches and several student-athletes addressed the Board.