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Dr. Pam Parry, interim chair of the Department of Communication at Eastern Kentucky University, recently received the Applegate Award for Excellence in Research from the Kentucky Communication Association.

“This award means so much to me because the faculty in my department nominated me, and they were able to keep it a surprise,” said Parry, who has written one book and co-edited another in her first two years at EKU. “It is gratifying to have multiple colleagues take time out of their busy schedules to write a letter on your behalf.”

Parry is under contract to write a second book on President Dwight Eisenhower and to co-edit six more titles in the next three years. She is co-editing two books on diversity with EKU colleague Dr. Sherwood Thompson, and a book series on “Women in American Political History” with her former dissertation chair, Dr. David R. Davies.

The first book in Parry’s book series received national attention as a finalist for the Frank Luther Mott Award for the best-researched book in the field of journalism in 2015.

Parry has presented her research in several venues, including the Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidential Library. Her book talk on “Eisenhower: The Public Relations President” aired on C-SPAN.