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Eastern Kentucky University recently received the Minority Access Diversity Institution Award for the sixth consecutive year. 

Chief Diversity Officer Dr. Timothy Forde received the award on behalf of the University at the 17th National Role Models Conference.

Eastern is one of only four universities in Kentucky to receive the award in 2016, and the only one to receive it each of the past six years. Earlier this year, the University also received the Higher Education Excellence in Diversity (HEED) Award from Insight into Diversity Magazine, the oldest and largest diversity-focused publication in higher education. 

“EKU is committed to diversity and the success of all students,” Forde said.

Eastern recently established the Diversity Office Scholarship Program "to expand and enrich campus life by recognizing and supporting outstanding students from first-generation, low-income and various cultural, ethnic and socio-economic backgrounds with diverse interests, perspectives and life experiences."

The University Diversity Office also sponsors:

·         monthly brown bag/"thinkposium" sessions and movies on relevant topics for students.

·         a Minority Retention Initiative Team and other initiatives to help identify at-risk minority students.

·         "Diversity Catalogues."

·         "Courageous Conversations" for faculty.

·         a 20-member team of Staff Diversity Advocates.

·         professional development opportunities.

For more information about programs and services offered by the University Diversity Office, visit