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The EKU delegation that attended the recent American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA) annual conference in Philadelphia was the school’s largest representation to date.

Seventeen master’s degree students, several doctoral students and 17 faculty members attended. Five students presented posters, and nine faculty presented posters or sessions.

The event attracted nearly 15,000 therapists, faculty and students from across the U.S. and more than 100 other countries, representing all facets of occupational science and occupational therapy education, practice and research.

EKU faculty member Dr. Dana Howell was honored for her contributions over the past 25 years to the occupational therapy profession. Howell serves Eastern as a professor, OTD program coordinator, and rehabilitation sciences doctoral program liaison. She is also editor of the Journal of Occupational Therapy Education.

For more information about EKU’s participation at the conference and about the University’s occupational science and occupational therapy degree programs, visit