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In addition to serving 143 Eastern Kentucky University students last year and 81 by mid-January this year, the Colonel’s Cupboard is also helping to fight hunger in the community.

The Cupboard, aided by Student Life and First-Year Experiences staff, recently donated approximately 500 pounds of food to God’s Outreach in Richmond.

“We donate goods to community partners when we have donated items set to expire within a month or two,” noted Dylan Bogard, coordinator for service and Colonel’s Cupboard at Eastern. “It is our goal that no food will expire on the shelves. The only time we aim to dispose of food is when we receive donations that are already expired or damaged.”

Last semester, the Cupboard donated approximately 300 pounds of food to Grace Now in Richmond and approximately 150 more pounds to a residence hall free table. “These donations are a reminder of the partnership between the University and the Richmond community,” Bogard said.

The Cupboard received nearly 6,000 pounds of food from members of the campus community last semester to feed hungry students. “We now have a huge selection of food for students,” Bogard said. “Given the nature of our pantry and our pre-packaged food boxes, we often receive food that will not be used before the ‘best by’ date. This resulted in the community donations so that food would not go to waste. Students have never been turned away for a food box.”

Studies show that one in six EKU students have likely experienced “food insecurities” at some point in their lives. That was the impetus when the University established the Cupboard in 2014.

Students needing assistance can find forms and additional information at A referral form is also available at the site if a faculty or staff member knows a student in need. The Cupboard, located at 212 Commonwealth Hall, is open during regular business hours most weekdays, and updated hours can be found on the website and door.  In addition, food boxes are located at several campus locations, including the Student Success Center, the Office of Military and Veterans Affairs, and the Student Life and First-Year Experiences offices.

For more information, email or call 622-3855.