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A student team from Eastern Kentucky University is one of just five teams from universities nationwide to advance to the final round of the 2018 Community Bank Case Study Competition.

The EKU team is composed of Lori Nguyen, Dalton Stanley and Aaron Schmidgal. 

Other teams reaching the final round came from Southeastern Louisiana University, University of Missouri-Kansas City, Ohio State University and York College of Pennsylvania.

The top three teams will earn scholarships, journal publication and a presentation opportunity at the national Federal Reserve Community Banking Conference later this year.

“EKU's Finance Program is proud of its team of phenomenal seniors who collaborated to produce a creative and competitive submission,” said faculty adviser Maggie Abney. “They have represented EKU very well throughout this process.”

Abney shared the news of the achievement with Kentucky Banking Commissioner Charles A. Vice, who personally called to congratulate the students.

This is the fourth year of the competition, and a record number of entries were received this year. The event provides undergraduate students the opportunity to explore the field of banking by partnering students with local banks to conduct original case studies on a specific topic. The 2018 competition focused specifically on how bank management utilizes technology to streamline processes and better serve their customers.

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