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Twenty-five Madison County middle school students are attending the Call Me Mister Student Success Academic Leadership Academy on the campus of Eastern Kentucky University June 18-23.

The annual academy, sponsored by the EKU College of Education and the Student Success Program, is designed to provide college-readiness information and experiences to a diverse group of middle-school males.

Another purpose is to pique the interest of the participating young men in considering following the path of leadership in education. According to national statistics, 3 million teachers are employed in public schools. Only 4 percent of those teachers are men, and only 2 percent of those are men of color.

“It is important that all students have the opportunity to work with role models who look like them and come from similar backgrounds,” said Dr. Norman Powell, director. “It is for that reason that the target for this academy is young men of color.”

The main Call Me Mister program is a university-based program that targets the African-American male population and encourages them to pursue a career in public education. It was founded 15 years ago on the campus of Clemson University by Dr. Roy Jones. 

Throughout the week, students will participate in activities and attend presentations by various faculty and professionals covering a range of topics.

These will include: an African Drum Circle Symposium conducted by Sundiata Kata, renowned music director at San Diego Center for Children; a hands-on, self-expressive visual arts workshop; a day of team-building and leadership development through the EKU Challenge Course program and various physical activities; an introductory workshop on the Spanish language; and a presentation on various aspects of life on a college campus. Attendees will have an opportunity to participate in aquatics, and will go on a day-long educational and cultural field trip. There will be a presentation for parents and siblings, along with the conferring of certificates on the final day.

For more information, contact Dr. Norman Powell at norman.powell@eku.eduor 859-200-0865 or 859-622-6195.