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Eastern Kentucky University’s Health Services Administration (HSA) program was well represented at the 2018 Kentucky Health Information Management Association (KHIMA) annual meeting in Lexington June 18-19. Students and faculty were recognized through a variety of awards and scholarships.

Student Ambassadors:  Each year, KHIMA selects four ambassadors from submitted applications. The student ambassadors assist the association in planning and managing a successful conference. Duties include decorating the conference venue, working in the registration center, assisting with the silent auction and serving as hospitality liaisons. This year, two of the four ambassadors were from EKU’s Health Services Administration program: Kelli Blount, Somerset, and Brittani Taylor, Crab Orchard.

KHIMA Scholarship:   KHIMA provided two $1,500 scholarships this year. Both awards were presented to students from the HSA program at EKU: Hanna Power, Winchester, and Brittani Taylor, Crab Orchard.

Rising Star Award: This award is presented to a KHIMA member who is early in his/her career, but already showing signs of developing a successful career within the field of health informatics and information management. In addition to personal career development, the recipient must also be active in KHIMA leadership roles. This year’s recipient was Jessica Price, MPA, RHIA, an HSA graduate in 2014 and current EKU faculty member. In only four years, Price has earned a graduate degree in public administration from EKU, served as a healthcare consultant for HealthTech Solutions in Frankfort, worked with the Kentucky Department of Public Health as it implemented a statewide electronic health record, and become an assistant professor in health services administration at EKU. In addition, she has served as chair of the KHIMA Event Planning Committee. 

Distinguished Member Award: This award is presented to a KHIMA member who has exhibited sustained commitment and service to the HIM field and to KHIMA. This year’s recipient was Dawn Jackson, DrPH, RHIA, CCS-P, FAHIMA, an EKU faculty member for 32 years who has been working in the field of health informatics and information management since 1982. She has been extremely active in KHIMA, serving as president (1993-94 and 2013-14), vice president (1990-92), and second director (2015-16). She has also served on seven different committees and has chaired six committees.