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Eastern Kentucky University boasted the second-largest delegation from a single institution at the annual Southern Regional Honors Council (SRHC) meeting, held March 28 to 30 in Memphis, Tennessee.  In total, almost 400 honors students from across the southeast presented research and creative projects at the conference — 26 of them were EKU Honors Program students.

Mora Rehm, a first-year student in the honors program, said her first major honors conference will be a highlight of her college years.

“Conferences such as SRHC are immensely formative for honors students' academic and personal growth,” said Rehm. “By presenting work in a scholarly setting, we are able to gain confidence and professional experience in our fields of study.”  

Rehm was one of three students elected to serve a one-year term as an at-large student representative on the SRHC Executive Committee. She hopes to use her new position to make a lasting impact on honors students. “The inclusion of student perspective is part of what makes conferencing so impactful and empowering for students such as myself; I'm seeking to elevate that,” she said.

EKU Honors students who presented at SRHC included: Calvin Andries, Hannah Batsche, Mary Boujaoude, Peyton Brock, Nicholas Brondum, Skylar Carter, Naomi Cheek, Andrew Coyle, Stephanie Darnell, Makenzie Davis, Clarissa Dennis, Lauren Fuller, Cheyenne Gibson, Chad Gosnell, Thomas Hudson, Megan Hurley, Stuart Jones, Sarah King, Nicholas Koenig, Matthew Lee, Heather Ramsay, Jade Rauen, Mora Rehm, Love Richburg, Emily Rose and Lisa Wier.