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In addition to its nationally renowned academic programs, the College of Health Sciences at Eastern Kentucky University is home to faculty and administrators who’ve recently earned prestigious awards and election to prominent offices in national and state professional associations. 

Dr. Colleen Schneck, presently serving as interim dean of the college, recently received the Professional Achievement Award from Boston University’s College of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, Sargent College. As noted with the award criteria, Schneck received the honor for putting “experience into practice, resulting in the advancement of health and rehabilitation sciences.” Previously the chair of EKU’s Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy, Schneck earned her master’s and doctoral degrees from Boston University in addition to a bachelor’s degree in occupational therapy from Eastern Michigan University. She joined the EKU faculty in 1994, and her academic specialties include school-based practice, early intervention and pediatrics.

Dr. Gary Brown, professor of environmental health science, has been elected as first vice president of the National Environmental Health Association. Brown has more than 25 years of experience in the field of environmental/occupational health and safety, spanning both academic and practical fields in the U.S. and internationally. He has served twice as president of the Association of Environmental Health Academic Programs and was a founding member of the National Environmental Health Diversity Recruitment Task Force.

Dr. Molly McKinney, an associate professor in the Department of Health Promotion and Administration, is the new president-elect of the Kentucky Public Health Association. At Eastern, she teaches courses in public and women’s health, and human sexuality.

In addition, the college recently honored several members as part of its annual Faculty/Staff Recognition Awards Program: Dr. Cindy Hayden, Excellence in Faculty Teaching/Practice; Dr. Aaron Sciascia, Excellence in Faculty Scholarship; Dr. Camille Skubik-Peplaski, Excellence in Faculty Service; and Heather Foster, Staff Excellence.

Dr. Michael Ballard, interim associate dean of the college, said: “Our outstanding faculty and staff are nationally and internationally known for their dedication and practice experience in the classroom, research and scholarship endeavors, service to local and state communities, and assuming leadership roles within the professional disciplines. We celebrate our exemplary faculty and staff each August at the beginning of the new academic year.” 

For more information about programs in EKU’s College of Health Sciences, visit