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If you are or know a young aspiring actor, Eastern Kentucky University has the perfect opportunity for you to work on your craft in person this summer. 

In partnership with the Appshakes Summer Acting Company, the camp will take place July 5-9 from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. in the Campbell Building on The Campus Beautiful in Richmond, Ky. Actresses and actors from grades 3-12 are welcome. 

?The week-long program includes workshops in acting, elements, and components of design, text analysis, and training in voice and movement. During the week the students will take workshops with professional theatre artists and learn scenes and monologues from Shakespeare to perform at the end of the week (if they choose to do so). Students will study text, stage combat, dance and movement, acting, costuming, makeup, and all the aspects that go into production. The cost is $200 with several scholarships available.

For more information contact Sarah Jo Jacobs via email at

To register, click here:

The Appalachian Shakespeare Center at EKU promotes agency and citizenship by engaging learners and audiences with the works of William Shakespeare.