The purpose of the Award is to recognize College of Business tenured and tenure-track faculty members for excellence in research and scholarship.
Robert B. Rogow, CPA, Ph.D.
Having served 44 productive years in higher education, Dr. Robert B. Rogow retired in July 2014 as the first Dean of EKU’s College of Business and Technology and Professor of Accounting. Dr. Rogow joined Eastern Kentucky University 16 years ago as Dean of the College of Business and very shortly thereafter was named Dean of the newly formed College of Business and Technology. Key to his success was his personal philosophy to build on the foundation of his predecessors.
Highlights of Dr. Rogow’s tenure at EKU include the planning of a new state-of-the-art Business and Technology Center that opened in 2006 and the addition of a center for the arts on the EKU campus. Dr. Rogow was instrumental in bringing together community and university stakeholders and serving on the Center’s governance board for several years, a number of years as board chair. Service to the community reaches deep into Richmond and its surrounds. Dr. Rogow gave freely of his time to the Richmond Chamber Board, Richmond Rotary, Financial Executives International (FEI), International Town and Gown, and Richmond Area Arts Council, often serving as treasurer or in other high-level capacities. He forged partnerships with the College and community to create the annual CBT Distinguished Speaker Series with the Richmond Chamber of Commerce and Richmond Rotary Club and was instrumental in developing what is now an annual event for EKU – CityFest. Student and their future success were first and foremost. To that end, Dr. Rogow provided resources and encouragement for creating the College Student Success: College to Careers conference for graduating seniors.
His career at EKU is marked by national program accreditations and reaffirmations – including the addition of one of the nation’s few PGA Professional Golf Management programs along with the rapid growth of the EKU Aviation program. EKU’s Risk Management and Insurance program, the only four-year insurance program in Kentucky, now has its own suite in the Business and Technology Center. This suite serves as a support center for faculty and students as they work towards meeting the incredible demand for insurance professionals.
And 2003 marked the culmination of nearly 30 years of hard work and continuous improvement as EKU Business gained accreditation from the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business – International (AACSB). National Association of Industrial Technology (NAIT) accreditation was achieved in 1999. The College claimed the prestigious Association of Technology, Management, and Applied Engineering (ATMAE) accreditation and re-accreditation along with the American Council on Construction Education (ACCE). Dr. Rogow designed a more efficient organizational structure for the College. In 2010, the School of Applied Arts and Technology and the School of Business were created with their respective Associate Deans. Dr. Rogow worked closely with the School of Business Advisory Council to ensure its vitality and robust contribution to business programs.
For years, Dr. Rogow served on the Madison County Airport Board and was key to negotiations that, in 2011, brought the management of the facility under the EKU banner. Stabilization of this partnership was key to the more than tripled growth in EKU Aviation flight student enrollment in just two years.
International exchange agreements and partnerships flourished under Dr. Rogow’s tenure. Both faculty and students were availed of multiple opportunities for cultural exchange and collaboration. EKU became a member of the Magellan Exchange Consortium. The Avans dual degree continued to flourish. International agreements with international partners in Japan, China, South America, Southeast Asia, and Europe were negotiated, continued, and negotiated.
Service to the University through the formal committee structure was remarkable in its leadership and furtherance of mission. Among the highlights are the chair of the University Economic Development Committee chair of the Corbin Campus planning committee. He shared his volumes of expertise, especially in regard to AACSB, through numerous peer review team engagements and even served as an expert witness in a settled court case to the Attorney General for the State of Tennessee in 2011.
National service to academe was a pinnacle of achievement. Dr. Rogow was The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi in a number of board-related roles, most impressively as National Society President through 2012 and again as Interim President at the Phi Kappa Phi 2015 National Convention. The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi is the highest academic honor to which EKU students may aspire.
Robert B. Rogow, CPA, Ph.D.
The Award
One recipient from the College of Business will receive a $1,000 cash award, an individual plaque, and his/her name inscribed on a College of Business plaque to be permanently displayed in the Business and Technology Center’s dean’s suite or executive conference room. The recipient will be recognized in official University publications, College of Business alumni communications, and other appropriate venues.
The Selection Process
There will be a three-member Awards Committee, consisting of the following:
• One tenured or tenure-track College of Business faculty member – The current award recipient will serve in this role during the next award selection process. Additionally, the prior year’s award recipient will serve as an alternate. Faculty members will serve one-year terms but may serve consecutive years.
• One administrative member – One administrator representative (typically the associate dean or alternatively a department chair) from the College of Business. Administrative members will serve one-year terms but may serve consecutive years.
• The Dean of the College of Business, who will serve as Awards Committee chair.
The Selection Criteria
The recipient of the award will be a College of Business faculty member who is considered by his/her peers and administrators to demonstrate excellence in research and scholarship on a sustained basis. Since research and scholarship at Eastern Kentucky University are expected to enhance teaching and instruction, contributions and accomplishments as a classroom teacher are to be considered in selecting the award recipient.
No one will be eligible for the award unless he/she has met or exceeded performance standards for teaching, research and scholarship, and service as a tenured or tenure-track faculty member during the award year and the immediate three prior years.
The evidence of sustained excellence in research and scholarship, based on Ernest L. Boyer’s Scholarship Reconsidered, may include but is not limited to the following factors:
• Peer-reviewed (blind referee panel, editorial board, etc.) articles in recognized academic and professional publications;
• Peer-reviewed (blind referee panel, editorial board, etc.) papers in the proceedings of recognized academic and professional organizations;
• Books, continuing education courses, and other creative works published and/or used or adopted by academic and professional third parties;
• Awards or other recognitions received that recognize the quality of one’s research and scholarship;
• Grants received and funded (not just applied for) from recognized funding sources; and
• Other research and scholarship accepted and recognized by accreditation bodies that accredit College of Business programs and units.
The evidence of excellent classroom instruction may include but is not limited to the following factors:
• Peer review of instruction;
• Student evaluations of teaching performance (last three years);
• Curriculum development (e.g., new course development);
• Teaching load (e.g., new course development);
• Teaching load (e.g., number of preparations, class size, day/evening classes, etc.); and
• Innovative teaching methods.
The evidence of excellent service may include but is not limited to the following factors:
• Chairing a major college-level or university-level committee;
• Serving as faculty advisor to an active student organization;
• Organizing a university, regional, national, or international conference, event, or program related to one’s profession or discipline;
• Serving on the editorial board for academic journals; and
• Active membership in a regional, national, or international academic or professional organization
Eligibility and Procedure
To be eligible for the award, the researcher and/or scholar must be a tenured or tenure-track faculty member of the College of Business. Faculty members who have received the award within four years prior to the award year are not eligible for consideration.
The Chair of the Faculty will submit the names of two or more faculty members to the chair of the Award Committee by February 28. The nomination packets for each nominee must include:
• The Chair’s evaluation of each nominee based on the selection criteria;
• The nominee’s research and scholarship contributions and accomplishments (one-page maximum); and
• The nominee’s self-evaluation of how he/she meets the selection criteria (one-page summary)
The Award Committee will select the recipient by April 1. Dr. and Mrs. Rogow will be advised of the award recipient and official University publications and events identifying the recipient. If possible, the award will be presented during the fall college-wide convocation.
These procedures will be periodically reviewed, updated, revised, and/or amended as the dean, associate deans, and department chairs in the College of Business deem necessary.
Effective Date: Fall 2020
Prior Award Recipients
2023-24: Dr. James Blair, Associate Professor, Marketing
2022-23: Dr. Weiling Zhuang, Professor, Marketing
2021-22: Dr. Qian Xiao, Professor, Management
2020-21: Dr. Beth Polin, Associate Professor, Management
2019-20: Dr. Allen Engle, Professor, Management