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Research Opportunities

Students can receive hands-on experience with state-of-the-art facilities and chemical instrumentation while receiving credit towards their chemistry or forensic science degree, elective, or ACCT credit by working with chemistry and forensic faculty on independent research projects. Students who want to perform an independent research project with a chemistry or forensic science faculty mentor should contact the department to learn what type of research courses are available and the process of starting a research project!

Faculty Research Projects

Students are needed to work with faculty on mentored research projects. Students can receive credit for CHE 200, CHE 495A & B, FOR 490, or HON 420. Individual faculty have diverse research projects currently underway in the department. If you are interested in performing a research project in any of these areas or want to propose your own project, contact us or contact the faculty mentor directly.

Dr. Karim Abdelhay - Forensic Science

Dr. Abdelhay’s research focuses on developing the analytical methodology necessary for the differentiation of regioisomeric and isobaric compounds that are structurally related to designer drugs of abuse of the amphetamine, piperazine, synthetic cannabinoid, and bath salts classes.

This research is considered a part of an overall effort to provide for greater analytical specificity in the identification of individual drug species via evaluation of the most likely imposter molecules. The synthesis of the designer drugs that are structurally related to the aforementioned classes of drugs of abuse, thereby creating the analytical challenges, is also studied. A variety of sensitive analytical techniques are utilized for performing forensic analytical studies in order to differentiate between the drug of abuse and its related isomers and/or isobaric compounds. These techniques include, but are not limited to, Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS), Gas Chromatography-High Resolution Mass Spectrometry (GC-TOF-MS), Gas Chromatography with Infra-Red Detection (GC-IRD), and High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC).

In addition, Dr. Abdelhay is also interested in the development and validation of analytical methods required for the analysis of pharmaceuticals and drugs in their pure forms, pharmaceutical preparations, and biological fluids.

Dr. Jamie Fredericks - Forensic Science (Biology)

Dr. Jamie Fredericks’ research focuses on the application of molecular beacons in forensic DNA analysis. 

Today there is a growing need from the forensic community and law enforcement agencies to develop rapid, compact, and portable devices that can genotype individuals in real-time and in the field. There has been tremendous effort to reduce the time for the PCR and improve the rate of analyzing samples. Although the time for amplification has been reduced, samples still require analysis through an expensive genetic analyzer, a protocol that can take over an hour. By generating a DNA profile in the shortest period of time possible, perpetrators, who would otherwise elude law enforcement agencies may be apprehended, and victims could be identified quickly. This would not only benefit criminal investigations, but also the families and communities involved. 

Molecular beacons (MBs) are single-stranded, nucleic acid probes that are able to elicit a fluorogenic response in the presence of a specific nucleic acid sequence. In the absence of a specific target, the MBs remain dark. Their high specificity and sensitivity characteristics are highly desirable and have the ability to genotype (both homozygotes and heterozygotes) multiple polymorphisms including SNPs and InDels. Current genotyping protocols in forensic DNA analysis require a genetic analyzer. Genetic analyzers are expensive, require extensive training, and extend the time taken to analysis samples by a considerable amount. The results of our preliminary study intend to demonstrate the novel application of molecular beacons in forensic science. We have designed MBs that are able to genotype DNA samples, including hair, blood, and saliva, directly and in real-time, thus significantly reducing the time taking to profile individuals. 

Dr. Judy Jenkins - Inorganic Chemistry

Dr. Jenkins’ research focuses on the fundamental chemistry of materials relevant to energy conversion platforms. 

Specific topics include the synthesis and characterization of doped semiconductor nanocrystals for solar hydrogen production and electrodeposition of semiconducting polymers for use in organic solar cells, organic light emitting diodes, and other organic electronics. Students with interests in nanocrystal synthesis, semiconducting polymers, solar energy conversion, spectroscopy, and electrochemistry are encouraged to inquire about literature-based and/or lab-based research experiences. 

In addition to her interests in energy conversion, Dr. Jenkins is also passionate about teaching chemistry, especially at the high school and college levels. She works with those preparing for and/or continuing in teaching careers, so contact her for possible research options in the chemical education field as well!

Dr. Laura Rowe - Analytical Chemistry

Dr. Rowe’s research group focuses on analyzing alternative biological building blocks (such as unnatural amino acids) in origin of life and astrobiology research, and employing such building blocks in developing bio-analytical sensors.

This research can encompass field work to “terrestrial analogue” sites, as well as extensive in-laboratory work. In addition, Dr. Rowe is interested in developing, and assessing, innovative pedagogy during the design of her courses in order to further chemical education research.

Dr. Cindy Tran - Forensic Science (Chemistry)

There two distinct ongoing research projects in Dr. Tran’s group:

  1. Recommendations for the chemical profiling of smokeless powders. There are currently a wide array of extraction and characterization techniques used by trace evidence analysts to compare the chemical profiles of smokeless powders (both intact and burned residues), which limits inter-lab comparisons. This research aims to provide a platform for comparison that accounts for the inherent differences that arise from the varying protocols.
  2. Predictive modeling of algal blooms in local point water sources. As much of southeastern Kentucky is characterized by agriculture, both in family-owned and industrial farming, the presence of harmful or toxic algae in the local water sources can be detrimental. The average farmer cannot predict when or if blooms will occur and will end up treating the blooms with a shock of toxic chemicals that can negatively impact the environment. This research seeks to use analytical techniques to identify a combination of easily-monitored variables that would allow a lay person to predict the pending formation of algal blooms, allowing for less-harmful preventative water treatments to be used.
Dr. Pei Gao - Physical Chemistry

Dr. Pei Gao’s group is interested in chemical research at the nanometer scale.

Protein patterns immobilization on surfaces in nanometer to micrometer scale is one focus of this lab. Assembling protein molecules onto designated positions on the surface while retaining their bioactivity is critical to develop new protein based devices such as biosensors and biochips. We are interested in studying and developing different mesoscale protein patterning methods.

Another project is the assembly of gold nanoparticles (AuNPs). Because of the thiol-gold interaction, the AuNPs can be coated with thiol-derivatized single-stranded oligonucleotides to investigate different molecular interaction and recognition, which are critical in the sensing areas. In addition, some advanced characterization instruments, such as atomic force microscopy (AFM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM), will be introduced and utilized to accomplish our project goals. Students interested in nanotechnology and nano-material assembly and related research are welcome to work in this group.

Dr. Margaret Ndinguri - Organic Chemistry

Dr. Ndinguri’s research involves synthesis of interesting molecules that have biological and medicinal significance. 

Research efforts are focused on the development of new small biological molecules and peptide based anticancer agents. Several peptide motifs have been used as vehicles for drug targeting and exhibit a diverse spectrum of biological activities including, antitumor, antiviral, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and immunosuppressive actions.

Dr. Tanea Reed - Biochemistry

Dr. Reed’s research evaluates the use of a novel drug as a post therapeutic treatment and investigates its remediation of moderate traumatic brain injury. 

Approximately ten million people worldwide suffer from a traumatic brain injury (TBI), for which there is currently no cure. The use of this neuroprotective agent against oxidative stress in this TBI study would demonstrate the prevention of functional neurological decline and restoration of function following brain injury. This project incorporates biochemistry, proteomics, drug therapy, and neuroscience.

Dr. Li Li Zyzak - Biochemistry

The focus of Dr. Zyzak’s research is discovering the chemicals and pathways for the generation of these desirable flavor compounds. In addition, steps will be taken to develop correlations between flavor compounds and consumer liking or preference.

Our perception of flavor is driven by the binding of volatile molecules to receptors within our olfactory bulb and non-volatiles to taste buds on our tongue. These interactions enable us to enjoy the things we smell and the foods we eat on a daily basis. Each food or beverage has its own signature blend of chemical compounds that give rise to their characteristic flavor.  At its core, chemistry allows us to enjoy these pleasures. Students involved in this research will be utilizing skills in biochemistry, organic chemistry, and analytical chemistry.

Department of Chemistry & Forensic Science

521 Lancaster Ave
NSCB 4126
Richmond, KY 40475
Phone: (859) 622-1456
Fax: (859) 622-8197

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