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Department of Chemistry 5 Undergraduate Research

Undergraduate Research

Get Involved with Research Opportunities!

Students can receive hands-on experience with State-of-the-Art Facilities and Chemical Instrumentation while receiving credit towards their chemistry or forensic science degree, elective or ACCT credit by working with chemistry and forensic faculty on independent research projects. Students that want to perform an independent research project with a chemistry or forensic science faculty mentor should visit the Chemistry and Forensic Science Research Course Information page to learn what type of research courses are available in the Department of Chemistry and Forensic Science and the process of starting a research project!

Faculty Research Projects

Students are needed to work with faculty on mentored research projects. Students can receive credit for CHE 200, CHE 495A & B, FOR 490, or HON 420. Individual faculty have diverse research projects currently underway in the department. If you are interested in performing a research project in any of these areas or want to propose your own project, please contact us at or contact the faculty mentor directly.

Department of Chemistry

521 Lancaster Ave
NSCB 4126
Richmond, KY 40475
Phone: (859) 622-1456
Fax: (859) 622-8197

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