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Your Impact

Impact of Alumni and Friends’ Support

The College of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics seeks to provide our students with a transformational education that fosters academic success and life-long achievement. Gifts from supporters enable us to provide more students with opportunities to engage in a variety of high-impact educational practices. The gifts also enable us to provide faculty members with enhanced support for professional development, research and tools for effective and innovative teaching.

Undergraduate Research Support…

enables students to engage in faculty-student research collaborations.

Students in the lab and field working on research projects

Student Travel Support…

enables students to present results of their research at local, regional or national conferences or to attend field camp.

Students presenting research

Study Abroad Support…

enables our students to experience new perspectives and broaden their world-view, thereby being better prepared for an increasingly global workforce.

Jesse Keyes in Budapest, Hungary
Jesse studying abroad in Budapest, Hungary

“Studying abroad has been the adventure of a lifetime. I have seen a huge amount of the world, and experienced first hand how different it can be. Despite this, I have seen that even when traveling the world, mathematics does not change. The language and the pedagogy may be different, as I have certainly experienced, but it is a beautiful fact that mathematics is indifferent to location. In truly seeing this first hand, I saw that pursuing mathematics is pursuing an effort of all people, all over the world. Studying abroad, particularly for an entire semester, has given me the opportunity to make this realization, study under brilliant mathematicians from around the world and grow in an environment surrounded completely by students who share the same passion. The opportunity has been all of challenging, humbling and inspiring.”


enable us to lessen the financial strain on many students. The amounts and types of scholarships vary, depending on individual student circumstances.
Jacob, recipient of the Booth Scholarship for Science and Mathematics
Jacob, recipient of Booth Scholarship for Science and Math
“Receiving the Booth Scholarship not only allows me to finance my education and further develop as a physicist, but it is also a sign that people believe in my ability enough to push me forward. Despite how hard concepts can be to understand in this field, I am happy to have the support of people like the Booths who wish to see me pursue my goals harder and stronger than ever.”
Aggie poses in a laboratory

Aggie, recipient of several scholarships
“Scholarship to me means so much, and I find it difficult to express my gratitude in just a short paragraph. I am extremely grateful because it gave me an opportunity to pursue my educational dreams. It allowed me to focus on school, rather than the stress of supporting my education. Those scholarships have helped me further my journey for higher education and is something I will forever appreciate. I was accepted into the Pharmacology and Toxicology Ph.D. program.”


Free Tutoring…

in mathematics and science disciplines enable us to to advance education in the STEM fields for all individuals.

students tutoring others

Faculty Support…

enables us to provide faculty members with enhanced support for professional development, research, and tools for effective and innovative teaching.

Cynthia Kaeser Tran helping a studentLeft: Dr. Cynthia Kaeser Tran, professor of forensic science, and a student study an image projected on a small screen attached to a microscope.

“Forensic Microscopy is a subdiscipline of forensics that I was only vaguely familiar with from graduate school. As is the case with many students, I understood how to use the techniques from a practical sense, but didn’t fully understand the theory behind them. Through attending the Forensic Microscopy Workshop at the McCrone Research Institute, I was able to explore the underlying theories to clearly understand the ‘why’ behind the ‘how’ of each technique. Knowing that there is a difference between personal understanding and clear instruction, I also worked with the workshop instructors to develop strategies for teaching these theories to EKU students. While a new course is always difficult, I was able to approach the course last fall with confidence. I am grateful for the support of the college in preparing me to take on new roles, and I look forward to applying the knowledge gained from this workshop to future courses.” Dr. Cynthia Kaeser Tran

Dr. Lisa Kay with a student

Right: Dr. Lisa Kay working with a student using Minitab.

“The upgrade of Minitab has enhanced our capability to teach our students in a variety of classes, such as Applied Regression Analysis and Quality Control and Reliability, using one of the most highly rated statistical process control software packages. For example, SpaceX requires their part suppliers to use Minitab for their Measurement System Analysis.”  Dr. Michelle Smith

STEM Camp…

is designed to inspire high school students to be excited about science and mathematics through academically focused activities. This experience also introduces the participating high school students to a university campus living experience. For more information, visit the STEM Camp website.
students interacting at STEM Camp