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Communications & Brand Management 5 Communications and Brand Management

Communications and Brand Management

The Office of Communications and Brand Management shares the compelling stories that make Eastern Kentucky University a great place to learn, work. and live. We love to celebrate EKU!

Working with Clients

After submitting a project request, a project manager from our team will contact you to conduct further assessment.

Depending on the scope of your request, you may be asked to meet with our team to develop a creative brief. At that meeting, we will discuss how your event or project aligns with EKU goals, optimum communication channels, measuring success metrics, and more. We will also establish points of contact in both offices so we can stay on track and meet objectives in a timely manner.

After the assessment is complete, we will work with you to assemble the words, images and design needed to complete your project. Our basic workflow is simple.

  • Needs Assessment
  • Message Development
  • Evaluation Planning
  • Creative Design
  • Review
  • Adjustments
  • Final Review
  • Project completion


Our team will work with you on communication strategy for projects that correlate with EKU’s strategic direction, and institutional priorities.  Our capabilities for promoting Eastern include:

  • Brand Identity
  • Public Relations
  • Web Services
  • Video Production
  • Social Media
  • Advertising Placement
  • Graphic Design and Creative
  • News and Promotions

Communications and Brand Management

521 Lancaster Avenue
Mail: Perkins 102, Office: Perkins 145
Richmond, KY 40475
Phone: 859-622-2301

Connect with CBM @ EKU